The Basics of Python

Based on materials by: Milad Fatenejad, Katy Huff, Tommy Guy, Joshua R. Smith, Will Trimble, and many more


This lecture is on basic programming in python. In order to do the examples, we are going to use an environment called IPython notebook. I expect this lecture to be interactive, so stop me at any point if you have questions. The correct power dynamic is that people are the masters and the machines are servants. The computer is a hammer; it exists to help us get things done. We can hammer nails with the handle, with the claw of the hammer; some of us even hammer nails with bricks. But when you learn what part of the hammer works best with nails, and have some experience swinging it, you spend less time worrying about the hammering and more time worrying about your furniture.

So now would be a good time to roll out PEP 20, The Zen of Python

Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. Now is better than never. Although never is often better than right now. If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

This lecture will be structured as follows: I will be teaching the basics of two things: the python programming language (to a greater extent) and the ipython interpreter (to a lesser extent). The ipython interpreter is one of many different ways to implement python code. As far as the python component, I'll shoot for a layered approach: I'l continue building on my previous concepts. It turns out that like any sufficiently complex topic, its not really possible to force the pedagogy into a serial stream. Also, we have a pretty serious time constraint. I'm just going to drop it on you. Because of the brief nature of this tutorial, I've included links to some excellent reference material. Also, if we have time, I'll take questions based on the specific programming needs of this class.

Here is the reference material.

Once we briefly deal with ipython, I'll cover python in the following order:

What I'll cover

Lesson 1

  • print statements
  • variables
  • integers
  • floats
  • strings
  • types
  • type coersion
  • basic operations: add numbers, concatenate strings, basic data type functionality

Lesson 2

  • list
  • dictionary
  • set
  • tuple
  • file reading

Lesson 3

  • for loop
  • conditional (if) statements
  • while loops
  • iteration
  • writing to files

Lesson 4

  • methods
  • modules


You can run python commands in a handful of ways; you can create executable scripts, you can run the python interpreter, you can run IPython, or you can run IPython notebook. IPython is an alternative to the built-in Python interpreter with some nice features. IPython notebook gives you interactive access to the python interpreter from within a browser window, and it allows you to save your commands as a "notebook". Lets give the built-in interpreter a spin just this once.

swc@swc:~$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 20 2012, 22:44:07) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print "hello world"
hello world
>>> quit() 

We can also write python commands in a file and execute them from the command line. You will notice that the print command above is located in the file Execute the following command at the command line

swc@swc:~$ python

IPython has more useful features for interactive use than the standard python interpreter, so we'll use it from here on out.

swc@swc:~$ ipython notebook
In [1]: print "hello world"
hello world
In [2]: 

You may notice if you hit ENTER your current command does not execute. ENTER puts a line break in your current command, and allows you to write multi-line commands and have them all executed at once. SHIFT-ENTER sends the line that your cursor is on to the interpreter. The output of the command, or the error message, appears below the line you entered it on.

In [2]: print "hello"
        print "world"
In [3]: 


You can paste things into the ipython console by copying text from your machine with ctrl+c and typing %paste at the IPython prompt.


IPython has a history. If you press the up and down keys, you can access the history.

Tab Completion

IPython also has tab completion of previous commands. Try typing "print" and then hit the tab key.

Getting Help

IPython has some nice help features. Lets say we want to know more about the integer data type. There are at least two ways to do this task:

In [1] help(int)


In [1] int?

If you wanted to see all the commands available for something, use the dir command. Check out all of the methods of the str type.

In [1] dir(str)

Executing code in files

If your code is in a file, you can execute it from the IPython shell with the %run command. Execute like so

In [1] %run

Clearing IPython

To clear everything from IPython, use the reset command.

In [1] reset
Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])?


All programming languages have variables, and python is no different. To create a variable, just name it and set it with the equals sign. One important caveat: variable names can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character. Lets set a variable.

In [1]: experiment = "current vs. voltage"

In [2]: print experiment
current vs. voltage

In [3]: voltage = 2

In [4]: current = 0.5

In [5]: print voltage, current
2 0.5

Types and Dynamic Typing

Like most programming languages, things in python are typed. The type refers to the type of data. We've already defined three different types of data in experiment, voltage, and current. The types are string, integer, and float. You can inspect the type of a variable by using the type command.

In [6]: type(experiment)
Out[6]: <type 'str'>

In [7]: type(voltage)
Out[7]: <type 'int'>

In [8]: type(current)
Out[8]: <type 'float'>

Python is a dynamically typed language (unlike, say, C++). If you know what that means, you may be feeling some fear and loathing right now. If you don't know what dynamic typing means, the next stuff may seem esoteric and pedantic. Its actually important, but its importance may not be clear to you until long after this class is over.

Dynamic typing means that you don't have to declare the type of a variable when you define it; python just figures it out based on how you are setting the variable. Lets say you set a variable. Sometime later you can just change the type of data assigned to a variable and python is perfectly happy about that. Since it won't be obvious until (possibly much) later why that's important, I'll let you marinate on that idea for a second.

Here's an example of dynamic typing. What's the type of data assigned to voltage?

In [9]: type(voltage)
Out[9]: <type 'int'>

Lets assign a value of 2.7 (which is clearly a float) to voltage. What happens to the type?

In [10]: voltage = 2.7

In [11]: type(voltage)
Out[11]: <type 'float'>

You can even now assign a string to the variable voltage and python would be happy to comply.

In [12]: voltage = "2.7 volts"

In [13]: type(voltage)
Out[13]: <type 'str'>

I'll let you ruminate on the pros and cons of this construction while I change the value of voltage back to an int:

In [14]: voltage = 2


It is possible to coerce (a fancy and slightly menacing way to say "convert") certain types of data to other types. For example, its pretty straightforward to coerce numerical data to strings.

In [19]: voltageString = str(voltage)

In [20]: currentString = str(current)

In [21]: voltageString
Out[21]: '2'

In [22]: type(voltageString)
Out[22]: <type 'str'>

As you might imagine, you can go the other way in certain cases. Lets say you had numerical data in a string.

In [23]: resistanceString = "4.0"

In [24]: resistance = float(resistanceString)

In [25]: resistance
Out[25]: 4.0

In [26]: type(resistance)
Out[26]: <type 'float'>

What would happen if you tried to coerce resistanceString to an int? What about coercing resistance to an int? Consider the following:

In [27] resistanceString = "4.0 ohms"

Do you think you can coerce that string to a numerical type?

On Being Precise with floats and ints

Again, the following may seem esoteric and pedantic, but it is very important. So bear with me.

Lets say you had some voltage data that looks like the following


Obviously, if you just assigned this data individually to a variable, you'd end up with the following types

0   -> int
0.5 -> float
1   -> int
1.5 -> float
2   -> int

But what if you wanted all of that data to be floats on its way in? You could assign the variable and then coerce it to type float:

In [28]: voltage = float(1)

But that's ugly. If you want whats otherwise an integer to be a float, just add a period at the end

In [29]: voltage = 1.

In [30]: type(voltage)
Out[30]: <type 'float'>

This point becomes important when we start operating on data in the next section.

Data Operations

In this section all of the discussion in the previous section becomes important. I don't know if I'd call this stuff fundamental to the language, but its pretty important and it will zing you if you aren't careful. The takeaway is that you need to be precise with what you are doing. Lets say you want to add some integers.

In [31]: a = 1

In [32]: b = 2

In [33]: c = a+b

In [34]: c
Out[34]: 3

In [38]: type(a), type(b), type(c)
Out[38]: (<type 'int'>, <type 'int'>, <type 'int'>)

So we got a vale of three for the sum, which also happens to be an integer. Any operation between two integers is another integer. Makes sense.

So what about the case where a is an integer and b is a float?

In [39]: a = 1

In [40]: b = 2.

In [41]: c = a + b

In [42]: c
Out[42]: 3.0

In [43]: type(a), type(b), type(c)
Out[43]: (<type 'int'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'float'>)

You can do multiplication on numbers as well.

In [44]: a = 2

In [45]: b = 3

In [46]: c = a * b

In [47]: c
Out[47]: 6

In [48]: type(a), type(b), type(c)
Out[48]: (<type 'int'>, <type 'int'>, <type 'int'>)

Also division.

In [49]: a = 1

In [50]: b = 2

In [51]: c = a / b

In [52]: c
Out[52]: 0


Here's why type is important. Divding two integers returnes an integer: this operation calculates the quotient and floors the result to get the answer.

If everything was a float, the division is what you would expect.

In [53]: a = 1.

In [54]: b = 2.

In [55]: c = a / b

In [56]: c
Out[56]: 0.5

In [57]: type(a), type(b), type(c)
Out[57]: (<type 'float'>, <type 'float'>, <type 'float'>)

There are operations that can be done with strings.

In [58]: firstName = "Johann"

In [59]: lastName = "Gambolputty"

In [60]: fullName = firstName + lastName

In [61]: print fullName

When concatenating strings, you have to be explicit since computers don't understand context.

In [62]: fullName = firstName + " " + lastName

In [63]: print fullName
Johann Gambolputty

There are other operations deined on string data. Use the dir comnand to find them. One example I'll show is the upper method. Lets take a look at the documentation.

In [64]: str.upper?
Type:           method_descriptor
Base Class:     <type 'method_descriptor'>
String Form:    <method 'upper' of 'str' objects>
Namespace:      Python builtin
    S.upper() -> string                                                                                                                        

    Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.

So we can use it to upper-caseify a string.

In [65]: fullName.upper()

You have to use the parenthesis at the end because upper is a method of the string class.

For what its worth, you don't need to have a variable to use the upper() method, you could use it on the string itself.

In [66]: "Johann Gambolputty".upper()

What do you think should happen when you take upper of an int? What about a string representation of an int?

That wraps up this lesson. We tried out the IPython shell and got some experience with ints, floats, and strings. Along the way we talked about some philosophy and how programming is about people.