Last updated: 2015-08-26

Code version: 37b0aacfab1630c60c0da565cedbdc74c4cf1a52

Here capture efficiency is defined as the fraction of the added ERCC spike-in molecules that were sequenced.


Input annotation.

anno <- read.table("../data/annotation.txt", header = TRUE,
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  individual batch well     sample_id
1      19098     1  A01 NA19098.1.A01
2      19098     1  A02 NA19098.1.A02
3      19098     1  A03 NA19098.1.A03
4      19098     1  A04 NA19098.1.A04
5      19098     1  A05 NA19098.1.A05
6      19098     1  A06 NA19098.1.A06

Input ERCC concentration information.

ercc <- read.table("../data/ercc-info.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(ercc) <- c("num", "id", "subgroup", "conc_mix1", "conc_mix2",
                    "expected_fc", "log2_mix1_mix2")
  num         id subgroup conc_mix1  conc_mix2 expected_fc log2_mix1_mix2
1   1 ERCC-00130        A 30000.000 7500.00000           4              2
2   2 ERCC-00004        A  7500.000 1875.00000           4              2
3   3 ERCC-00136        A  1875.000  468.75000           4              2
4   4 ERCC-00108        A   937.500  234.37500           4              2
5   5 ERCC-00116        A   468.750  117.18750           4              2
6   6 ERCC-00092        A   234.375   58.59375           4              2
stopifnot(nrow(ercc) == 92)

Input molecule counts.

molecules <- read.table("../data/molecules.txt", header = TRUE,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Input list of quality single cells.

quality_single_cells <- scan("../data/quality-single-cells.txt",
                             what = "character")

Input quality control data.

qc <- read.table("../data/qc-ipsc.txt", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stopifnot(nrow(qc) == sum(anno$well != "bulk"))

Prepare single cell molecule data

Remove bulk samples.

molecules_single <- molecules[, anno$well != "bulk"]
anno_single <- anno[anno$well != "bulk", ]

Remove genes with zero read counts in the single cells.

expressed_single <- rowSums(molecules_single) > 0
molecules_single <- molecules_single[expressed_single, ]
[1] 17771   864

How many genes have greater than or equal to 1,024 molecules in at least one of the cells?

overexpressed_genes <- rownames(molecules_single)[apply(molecules_single, 1,
                                                        function(x) any(x >= 1024))]

23 have greater than or equal to 1,024 molecules.

Calculate number of ERCC molecules added to each well

Invitrogen provides the concentration of each ERCC spike-in in attomoles per uL.

     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
    0.014     0.801     7.324  1125.000   117.200 30000.000 

PoYuan diluted mix 1 1:2500. Then she combined 1 uL of this 1:2500 diluted mix with 19 uL of other stuff to create 20 uL of lysis buffer. She added 9 uL of lysis buffer to the C1 chip. Each well received 13.5 uL of lysis buffer.

How many molecules do we expect each sample to contain?

# Dilute 1:2500
ercc_conc_diluted <- ercc$conc_mix1 / 2500
# Dilute 1:20
ercc_conc_lysis <- ercc_conc_diluted / 20
ercc_molecules_lysis <- ercc_conc_lysis *
                        20 * # Number of uL of lysis buffer
                        1/10^18 * # Number of attomoles in a mole
                        6.02214179e23 # Number of molecules in a mole
# 9 uL added to chip
ercc_molecules_chip <- ercc_molecules_lysis * 9 / 20
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      2      87     794  122000   12700 3252000 
# 13.5 uL per well
ercc_molecules_well <- ercc_molecules_lysis * 13.5e-3 / 20
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
   0.002    0.130    1.191  182.900   19.050 4878.000 
[1] 16831.32
sum(ercc_molecules_well >= 1)
[1] 50
sum(ercc_molecules_well > 1024)
[1] 5
sum(ercc_molecules_well %% 2 == 0)
[1] 0

Pollen et al. calculated that they had 28,000 molecules per sample. Thus our estimate of 16831.3 seems reasonable, especially since we diluted our samples more.

Save the expected number of molecules per well.

write.table(data.frame(id = ercc$id, conc_mix1 = ercc$conc_mix1, ercc_molecules_well),
            "../data/expected-ercc-molecules.txt", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE)
ercc_index <- grep("ERCC", rownames(molecules_single))
[1] 84

84 of the ERCC spike-ins had at least one molecule observed in at least one of the 864 single cells.

Capture efficiency

The “capture efficiency” is defined differently across studies. Some use it to report the number of wells that had exactly one viable cell out of the possible 96 on a C1 chip. Others use it to report how many of the added ERCC spike-in molecules were successfully sequenced. We are using the latter definition. Thus after calculating the total number of expected ERCC molecules, I simply add up all the ERCC molecules observed for a given single cell and divide it by this total.

efficiency <- numeric(length = ncol(molecules_single))
total_ercc_molecules <- sum(ercc_molecules_well)
for (i in 1:ncol(molecules_single)) {
  efficiency[i] <- sum(molecules_single[ercc_index, i]) / total_ercc_molecules
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
0.03957 0.07439 0.08558 0.14830 0.11130 0.92040 

Factors affecting capture efficiency

qc$efficiency <- efficiency
qc$quality <- anno_single$sample_id %in% quality_single_cells

Single cells from batch 2 of individual 19098 ahve the highest efficiency. This was expected since they have an abnormally high ERCC ratio.

efficiency_box <- ggplot(qc, aes(y = efficiency, x = as.factor(individual), fill = as.factor(batch))) +

Removing batch 2 of individual 19098.

qc_sub <- qc[!(anno_single$individual == 19098 & anno_single$batch == 2), ]
efficiency_box %+% qc_sub

There doesn’t seem to be a relationship between Bioanalyzer concentration and capture efficiency.

efficiency_conc <- ggplot(qc_sub, aes(x = concentration, y = efficiency)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(batch ~ individual) +

And this does change when limiting to high quality cells.

efficiency_conc %+% qc_sub[qc_sub$quality, ]

The capture efficiency decreases with increasing cell number. This is expected because the more RNA that is present in a well, the ERCC spike-ins are a lower percentage of the total. However, this effect is not striking.

efficiency_cells <- ggplot(qc_sub, aes(x = cell_number, y = efficiency)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")

Comparing capture efficiency with the percent of total molecules that are ERCC.

perc_ercc <- colSums(molecules_single[grep("ERCC",
                                           rownames(molecules_single)), ]) /
perc_ercc_data <- cbind(perc_ercc, efficiency, anno[anno$well != "bulk", ])

As expected, there is a relationship between the percent of molecules that are ERCC and the capture efficiency. Also, it appears this is another technical difference between the individuals.

perc_ercc_plot <- ggplot(perc_ercc_data, aes(x = perc_ercc, y = efficiency,
                                             col = as.factor(individual),
                                             shape = as.factor(batch))) +

Focusing on the lower part of the distribution, which ignores the outlier batch 2 of individual 19098.

perc_ercc_plot + ylim(0, 0.25)
Warning in loop_apply(n, do.ply): Removed 96 rows containing missing values

perc_ercc_plot + ylim(0, 0.20) + xlim(0, 0.12) + facet_grid(individual ~ batch) + geom_smooth()
Warning in loop_apply(n, do.ply): Removed 96 rows containing missing values
Warning in loop_apply(n, do.ply): Removed 96 rows containing missing values

Comparing capture efficiency with the total molecules, both ERCC and endogenous genes.

total_molecule  <- colSums(molecules_single)
perc_ercc_data <- cbind(total_molecule, perc_ercc, efficiency, anno[anno$well != "bulk", ])
total_mol_plot <- ggplot(perc_ercc_data, aes(x = total_molecule, y = efficiency,
                                             col = as.factor(individual),
                                             shape = as.factor(batch))) +

total_mol_plot + ylim(0, 0.25)
Warning in loop_apply(n, do.ply): Removed 96 rows containing missing values

total_mol_plot + ylim(0, 0.20) + facet_grid(individual ~ batch) + geom_smooth()
Warning in loop_apply(n, do.ply): Removed 96 rows containing missing values
Warning in loop_apply(n, do.ply): Removed 96 rows containing missing values

Visualizing capture efficiency

Creating a visualization similar to Figure 2I in Islam et al..

First filter to only keep quality single cells.

molecules_single <- molecules_single[, colnames(molecules_single) %in% quality_single_cells]
anno_single <- anno_single[anno_single$sample_id %in% quality_single_cells, ]
stopifnot(ncol(molecules_single) == nrow(anno_single),
          colnames(molecules_single) == anno_single$sample_id)

Also remove batch 2 of individual 19098.

molecules_single <- molecules_single[, !(anno_single$individual == 19098 & anno_single$batch == 2)]
anno_single <- anno_single[!(anno_single$individual == 19098 & anno_single$batch == 2), ]
stopifnot(ncol(molecules_single) == nrow(anno_single))

Use only those 50 ERCC genes with at least 1 expected molecule per well.

ercc_list <- list()
for (spike in ercc$id[ercc_molecules_well >= 1]) {
  if (spike %in% rownames(molecules_single)) {
    ercc_list$id <- c(ercc_list$id, spike)
    ercc_list$observed_mean <- c(ercc_list$observed_mean,
                                 mean(as.numeric(molecules_single[spike, ])))
    ercc_list$observed_sem <- c(ercc_list$observed_sem,
                                 sd(as.numeric(molecules_single[spike, ])) /
    ercc_list$expected <- c(ercc_list$expected,
                            ercc_molecules_well[ercc$id == spike])
ercc_plot <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
'data.frame':   50 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ id           : chr  "ERCC-00130" "ERCC-00004" "ERCC-00136" "ERCC-00108" ...
 $ observed_mean: num  481.073 87.391 31.49 21.566 0.325 ...
 $ observed_sem : num  14.1687 2.8826 1.1007 0.7198 0.0367 ...
 $ expected     : num  4877.9 1219.5 304.9 152.4 76.2 ...
p_efficiency <- ggplot(ercc_plot, aes(x = expected, y = observed_mean)) +
  geom_point(col = "red") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = observed_mean - observed_sem,
                    ymax = observed_mean + observed_sem), width = 0) +
  labs(x = "Expected ERCC molecules",
       y = "Observed ERCC molecules\n(mean +/- sem)",
       title = "ERCC capture efficiency")

There plot appears to be log-transformed (it doesn’t explicitly say this in the axes or legend).

p_efficiency + scale_x_log10() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  labs(x = "log10 Expected ERCC molecules",
       y = "log10 Observed ERCC molecules\n(mean +/- sem)",
       title = "ERCC capture efficiency - log transformed")

Here is their result:

Islam et al. Figure 2

Session information

R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_1.0.1 edgeR_3.10.2  limma_3.24.9  knitr_1.10.5 

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