Last updated: 2016-07-08
Code version: f3271c626c586079652907b55fa357b6f569fd26
Preliminary investigation into expression noise at the transcriptional level. We looked at expression noise across all the cells, including the cells that were not detected (i.e., count = 0) in the experiment. The investigatino begins with coefficeint of variation - a popular measure for quantifying variation in the data.
Computation of CV: We were interested in the variation in our batch-corrected data. But since these data are log2-transformed counts. We take 2 to the power of log-transformed counts and then compute the CV based on these corrected counts.
Corrected CV: Because in sequencing data, CVs are confounded with abundance levels, we performed a calculation that transformed each CV into a measure of deviation from the median of the CVs from the genes of similar abudance levels.
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 12))
Input annotation of only QC-filtered single cells, with NA19098.r2 removed.
anno_filter <- read.table("../data/annotation-filter.txt",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
[1] 564 5
head(anno_filter, 2)
individual replicate well batch sample_id
1 NA19098 r1 A01 NA19098.r1 NA19098.r1.A01
2 NA19098 r1 A02 NA19098.r1 NA19098.r1.A02
Import molecule counts after filtering and before any correction.
molecules_filter <- read.table("../data/molecules-filter.txt",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stopifnot(NROW(anno_filter) == NCOL(molecules_filter))
Import final processed molecule counts of endogeneous genes.
molecules_final <- read.table("../data/molecules-final.txt",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
[1] 13058 564
stopifnot(NROW(anno_filter) == NCOL(molecules_final))
Import gene symbols.
gene_symbols <- read.table(file = "../data/gene-info.txt", sep = "\t",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote = "")
Import cell cycle and pluripotency genes.
cell_cycle_genes <- read.table("../data/cellcyclegenes.txt",
header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pluripotency_genes <- read.table("../data/pluripotency-genes.txt",
header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)$To
Supplemenetal for the Methods section.
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 8))
ggplot(data.frame(log10cv_1 = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$cv^2),
log10cv_2 = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$cv^2)),
aes(x = log10cv_1, y = log10cv_2)) +
geom_point(cex = .4) +
xlab("NA19098 log10 squared-CV values") +
ylab("NA19101 log10 squared-CV values") +
ggtitle("Relationship between individual DM values") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ggplot(data.frame(dm1 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
dm2 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj),
aes(x = dm1, y = dm2)) +
geom_point(cex = .4) +
xlab("NA19098 DM values") +
ylab("NA19101 DM values") +
ggtitle("Relationship between individual DM values") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ggplot(data.frame(dm = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
log10_mean = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$mean)),
aes(x = log10_mean, y = dm)) +
geom_point(cex = .4) +
xlab("log10 average molecule count") +
ylab("DM values") +
ggtitle("NA19098") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ggplot(data.frame(dm = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj,
log10_mean = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$mean)),
aes(x = log10_mean, y = dm)) +
geom_point(cex = .4) +
xlab("log10 average molecule count") +
ylab("DM values") +
ggtitle("NA19101") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ggplot(data.frame(dm = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj,
log10_mean = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$mean)),
aes(x = log10_mean, y = dm)) +
geom_point(cex = .4) +
xlab("log10 average molecule count") +
ylab("DM values") +
ggtitle("NA19239") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ncol = 2,
labels = LETTERS[1:5] )
Mark cell-cycle genes.
genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
ii_cellcycle_genes <- lapply(1:3, function(per_individual) {
genes %in% unlist(cell_cycle_genes)
names(ii_cellcycle_genes) <- names(ENSG_cv)[1:3]
ii_cellcycle_genes <-, ii_cellcycle_genes)
ggplot(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ),
aes(x = log10(mean), y = dm )) +
geom_point(aes(col = group), cex = 1.2) + facet_wrap( ~ group) +
ggtitle("Cell-cycle genes") +
data = subset(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ),
colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2) +
labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level",
y = "DM values")
Mark pluripotent genes
ii_pluripotent_genes <- lapply(1:3, function(per_individual) {
genes %in% unlist(pluripotency_genes)
names(ii_pluripotent_genes) <- names(ENSG_cv)[1:3]
ii_pluripotent_genes <-, ii_pluripotent_genes)
ggplot(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ),
aes(x = log10(mean), y = dm )) +
geom_point(aes(col = group), cex = 1.2) + facet_wrap( ~ group) +
ggtitle("Pluripotent genes") +
data = subset(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ),
colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2) +
labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level",
y = "DM values")
Top 1000 genes based on DM.
genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
venn_cv_rank <- gplots::venn(
list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ] ))
Bottom 1000 genes based on DM.
genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj)
<= 1000 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
<= 1000 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
<= 1000 ) ] ))
Top 1000 genes based on Means.
genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
list(NA19098 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[1]]$mean) > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[2]]$mean) > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[3]]$mean) > length(genes) - 1000 ) ] ) )
Mark top ranked genes based on individual DM values.
df_plot <- data.frame(
cvs = c(ENSG_cv_adj[[1]]$log10cv2_adj, ENSG_cv_adj[[2]]$log10cv2_adj,
means = c(ENSG_cv[[1]]$mean, ENSG_cv[[2]]$mean, ENSG_cv[[3]]$mean),
individual = as.factor(rep(names(ENSG_cv)[1:3], each = NROW(ENSG_cv[[1]])) ) )
ggplot( df_plot,
aes(x = log10(means), y = cvs ) ) +
geom_point( aes(col = as.factor(individual)), cex = 1.2 ) +
facet_wrap( ~ individual) +
labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level",
y = "DM values") +
data = df_plot[ rep( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000, 3), ],
colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2 ) +
ggtitle("Top 1,000 genes in NA19098 based on DM values") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ggplot( df_plot,
aes(x = log10(means), y = cvs ) ) +
geom_point( aes(col = as.factor(individual)), cex = 1.2 ) +
facet_wrap( ~ individual) +
labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level",
y = "DM values") +
data = df_plot[ rep( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000, 3), ],
colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2 ) +
ggtitle("Top 1,000 genes in NA19101 based on DM values") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ggplot( df_plot,
aes(x = log10(means), y = cvs ) ) +
geom_point( aes(col = as.factor(individual)), cex = 1.2 ) +
facet_wrap( ~ individual) +
labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level",
y = "DM values") +
data = df_plot[ rep( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000, 3), ],
colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2 ) +
ggtitle("Top 1,000 genes in NA19239 based on DM values") +
theme(legend.position = "none"),
labels = LETTERS[1:4] )
Top 100 genes based on DM.
genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
venn_cv_rank <- gplots::venn(
list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 100 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 100 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 100 ) ] ))
Bottom 100 genes based on DM.
genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj)
<= 100 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
<= 100 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
<= 100 ) ] ))
Top 100 genes based on Means.
genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
list(NA19098 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[1]]$mean) > length(genes) - 100 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[2]]$mean) > length(genes) - 100 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[3]]$mean) > length(genes) - 100 ) ] ) )
Analyze top 1,000 genes in DM values.
# output top 1000 genes in DM values
top1000DM_genes <-
data.frame(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# write the gene names out to a text file,
# then copy and paste to GO Consortium interface
for (ind in c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239")) {
file = paste0("../data/top-100-dm-",ind,".txt"),
sep = "/t", quote = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
for (ind in c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239")) {
file = paste0("../data/top-1000-dm-",ind,".txt"),
sep = "/t", quote = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
file = "../data/gene-names.txt",
sep = "/t", quote = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
We found no significant GO terms in PANTHER database.
Not yet figured out how to get genes associated with each sig. GO terms.
[Chunk not evaluated]
# Find GO terms
go_top1000_results <- lapply(c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239"),
function(individual) {
go_list <- lapply(c("BP", "MF", "CC"), function(term) {
sig_gene_go <- GOtest(rownames(molecules_final),
ontology = term,
conditional.method = F)
go_data <- goHeatmapData(list(summary(sig_gene_go$GO[[term]],
pvalue = .01)))
names(go_list) <- c("BP", "MF", "CC")
names(go_top1000_results) <- c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239")
go_gene_list <- sig_gene_go[["GO"]][[1]]@goDag@nodeData@data
go_gene_list_names <- names(go_gene_list)
go_sig <- which(go_gene_list_names %in% go_data[,1])
go_gene_list_sig <- go_gene_list[go_sig]
# Plot heatmap
go_heatmap <- plotHeatmap(go_data,
labCol = "")
ConsensusPATHDB-Human was used to perform GO over-representation analysis.
go_NA19098 <-
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE)
go_NA19098_sig <- go_NA19098[go_NA19098$q.value < .1, ]
[1] response to oxygen levels
[2] response to decreased oxygen levels
[3] response to hypoxia
[4] sarcoplasmic reticulum
[5] very-low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity
[6] mononuclear cell migration
[7] response to hyperoxia
[8] condensed nuclear chromosome, centromeric region
[9] condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore
[10] calcium ion binding
[11] carbohydrate derivative transporter activity
59 Levels: base-excision repair, AP site formation ...
go_NA19101 <- read.table("figure/cv-adjusted-summary-pois.Rmd/",
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE)
[1] 0.008862498 0.015732966 0.033066707 0.142366905 0.142366905 0.138059112
go_NA19101_sig <- go_NA19101[go_NA19101$q.value < .1, ]
[1] mononuclear cell migration
[2] regulation of mononuclear cell migration
[3] multicellular organismal response to stress
[4] glutathione derivative metabolic process
56 Levels: acid-amino acid ligase activity ... xenobiotic metabolic process
go_NA19239 <- read.table("figure/cv-adjusted-summary-pois.Rmd/",
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE)
go_NA19239_sig <- go_NA19239[go_NA19239$q.value < .1, ]
[1] extracellular space
[2] fibronectin binding
[3] calcium ion binding
[4] heparin binding
[5] basement membrane
[6] proteinaceous extracellular matrix
[7] sulfur compound binding
[8] response to zinc ion
[9] plasma membrane region
[10] extracellular matrix disassembly
[11] cell adhesion
[12] glycosaminoglycan binding
[13] cell projection membrane
[14] regulation of growth
[15] intrinsic component of membrane
[16] regulation of multicellular organismal process
[17] response to transition metal nanoparticle
[18] cytoskeletal protein binding
[19] actin binding
[20] anatomical structure morphogenesis
[21] integral component of membrane
[22] organ development
[23] cartilage development
[24] hormone metabolic process
[25] system process
[26] wound healing
[27] multi-multicellular organism process
[28] developmental cell growth
[29] negative regulation of growth
[30] collagen catabolic process
[31] multicellular organismal catabolic process
[32] laminin-10 complex
[33] female pregnancy
[34] retinoic acid binding
[35] connective tissue development
[36] tissue development
[37] plasma membrane
[38] lipid binding
[39] cell periphery
[40] extracellular structure organization
[41] membrane region
[42] developmental growth
[43] isoprenoid metabolic process
[44] apical plasma membrane
[45] embryo implantation
[46] response to alcohol
[47] single-multicellular organism process
[48] sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase complex
[49] carboxylic acid binding
[50] cell growth
[51] plasma membrane part
[52] hormone activity
[53] organic acid binding
[54] developmental growth involved in morphogenesis
[55] detection of external stimulus
[56] cell-cell junction
[57] response to wounding
[58] stereocilium
[59] proteoglycan binding
[60] fibrillar collagen trimer
[61] retinoid binding
[62] banded collagen fibril
[63] actin filament-based process
[64] detection of abiotic stimulus
[65] regulation of developmental process
[66] basal lamina
[67] extracellular matrix binding
[68] cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
[69] transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
[70] metal ion binding
[71] cell migration
[72] cation binding
[73] growth factor binding
[74] retinol binding
[75] glycosphingolipid binding
[76] apical part of cell
[77] collagen binding
[78] phosphatidylserine binding
[79] insulin-like growth factor binding
[80] isoprenoid binding
[81] insulin-like growth factor binding protein complex
[82] phospholipid binding
[83] extracellular matrix structural constituent
[84] single-organism developmental process
[85] cell motility
[86] localization of cell
[87] laminin complex
[88] protein-lipid complex binding
[89] apolipoprotein binding
[90] laminin binding
[91] regulation of biological quality
166 Levels: actin binding ... wound healing
*Why is there so many more GO terms in NA19239 than the other two individuals?
[Chunk not evaluated]
top1000DM_genes <-
data.frame(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
boxplot(cbind(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj[which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 )],
ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj[which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 )]) )
title(main = "adjusted CV")
cbind(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$mean[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 )],
ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$mean[which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj)
> length(genes) - 1000 )]) )
Compute median of absolute deviations (MAD) to quantify dissimilarity of the individual DM meausres.
dm_matrix <- as.matrix(
data.frame(NA19098 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
NA19101 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj,
NA19239 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) )
mad <- rowMedians( abs( dm_matrix - rowMedians(dm_matrix) ) )
ConsensusPATHDB-Human was used to perform GO over-representation analysis.
Look up top 100 genes in MAD values
mad_genes <- rownames(molecules_final)[rank(mad) >
(length(mad) - 100) ]
# file = "../data/mad-genes.txt",
# sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
# col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
go_top <- read.table("figure/cv-adjusted-summary-pois.Rmd/",
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE)
go_top <- go_top[go_top$q.value < .1, ]
[1] "extracellular space" "ErbB-2 class receptor binding"
# go_top_genes <- getGenes(gsub(";", ",",
# as.character(go_top$members_input_overlap_geneids)))
# go_top_genes <- go_top_genes[!duplicated(go_top_genes[ , "symbol"]), ]
# kable(data.frame(symbol =go_top_genes[ ,"symbol"],
# name = go_top_genes[,"name"]) )
R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
attached base packages:
[1] stats4 parallel grid stats graphics grDevices utils
[8] datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] gplots_2.17.0 mygene_1.2.3 GenomicFeatures_1.20.1
[4] AnnotationDbi_1.30.1 Biobase_2.28.0 GenomicRanges_1.20.5
[7] GenomeInfoDb_1.4.0 IRanges_2.2.4 S4Vectors_0.6.0
[10] BiocGenerics_0.14.0 matrixStats_0.14.0 MASS_7.3-40
[13] cowplot_0.3.1 Humanzee_0.1.0 ggplot2_1.0.1
[16] edgeR_3.10.2 limma_3.24.9 dplyr_0.4.2
[19] data.table_1.9.4 knitr_1.10.5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] httr_0.6.1 jsonlite_0.9.16
[3] splines_3.2.0 gsubfn_0.6-6
[5] gtools_3.5.0 Formula_1.2-1
[7] assertthat_0.1 highr_0.5
[9] latticeExtra_0.6-26 Rsamtools_1.20.4
[11] yaml_2.1.13 RSQLite_1.0.0
[13] lattice_0.20-31 chron_2.3-45
[15] digest_0.6.8 RColorBrewer_1.1-2
[17] XVector_0.8.0 colorspace_1.2-6
[19] htmltools_0.2.6 plyr_1.8.3
[21] XML_3.98-1.2 biomaRt_2.24.0
[23] zlibbioc_1.14.0 scales_0.4.0
[25] gdata_2.16.1 BiocParallel_1.2.2
[27] sqldf_0.4-10 nnet_7.3-9
[29] proto_0.3-10 survival_2.38-1
[31] magrittr_1.5 evaluate_0.7
[33] foreign_0.8-63 tools_3.2.0
[35] formatR_1.2 stringr_1.0.0
[37] munsell_0.4.3 cluster_2.0.1
[39] lambda.r_1.1.7 Biostrings_2.36.1
[41] caTools_1.17.1 futile.logger_1.4.1
[43] RCurl_1.95-4.6 bitops_1.0-6
[45] labeling_0.3 rmarkdown_0.6.1
[47] gtable_0.1.2 DBI_0.3.1
[49] reshape2_1.4.1 R6_2.1.1
[51] GenomicAlignments_1.4.1 gridExtra_2.0.0
[53] rtracklayer_1.28.4 Hmisc_3.16-0
[55] futile.options_1.0.0 KernSmooth_2.23-14
[57] stringi_1.0-1 Rcpp_0.12.4
[59] rpart_4.1-9 acepack_1.3-3.3