Last updated: 2016-02-16

Code version: 19e0b5238d17b956c12a2c43d67bdc024117580c

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 16))
theme_update(panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
             panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
             panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
             panel.grid.major.y = element_blank())

Hicks et al., 2015 observed a strong relationship between the proportion of genes detected (PGD) per sample and PC1 across multiple single cell studies. Here we investigate this effect in our study. Specifcally, we explore the following questions:

This analysis is very similar to More exploring of the proportion of genes detected. The main difference is this analysis includes all the single cell samples.


Input annotation

anno <- read.table("../data/annotation.txt", header = TRUE,
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Input molecule counts

molecules <- read.table("../data/molecules.txt", header = TRUE,
           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Input read counts

reads <- read.table("../data/reads.txt", header = TRUE,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Prepare data

Some genes have zero molecule counts across the single cells. We remove these.

zero_genes <- rowSums(molecules) == 0
molecules <- molecules[!zero_genes, ]
reads <- reads[!zero_genes, ]
stopifnot(rownames(molecules) == rownames(reads))

Lastly, we include a subset of ubiquitous genes which were detected in every cell, i.e. the PGD will be 1 for all samples.

ubiquitous_genes <- rowSums(molecules > 0) == ncol(molecules)
molecules_ubiq <- molecules[ubiquitous_genes, ]
reads_ubiq <- reads[ubiquitous_genes, ]

Calculate PGD

Define a function to calculate PGD.

calc_pgd <- function(x) {
  # Calculate the proportion of genes detected (PGD) per sample/column
  # x - gene expression counts
  # Returns a numeric vector
            x == as.integer(as.matrix(x)))
  num_genes_detected <- colSums(x > 0)
  num_total_genes <- nrow(x)
  prop_genes_detected <- num_genes_detected / num_total_genes
            length(prop_genes_detected) == ncol(x),
            prop_genes_detected <= 1,
            prop_genes_detected >= 0)

Calculate the PGD using all genes with at least one read detected in at least one single cell.

pgd_all <- calc_pgd(reads)
# pgd_filter <- calc_pgd(reads_filter)
# pgd_ubiq <- calc_pgd(reads_ubiq)
# stopifnot(pgd_ubiq == 1)
# stopifnot(pgd_all == calc_pgd(molecules))

PCA - counts

Unstandardized read counts from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(reads)
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "all", processing = "counts")
d_full <- d

Unstandardized molecule counts from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(molecules)
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "all", processing = "counts")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Unstandardized read counts from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(reads_ubiq)
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "ubiq", processing = "counts")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Unstandardized molecule counts from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(molecules_ubiq)
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "ubiq", processing = "counts")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

PCA - cpm

Read counts per million from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(reads))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "all", processing = "cpm")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Molecule counts per million from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(molecules))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "all", processing = "cpm")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Read counts per million from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(reads_ubiq))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "ubiq", processing = "cpm")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Molecule counts per million from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(molecules_ubiq))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "ubiq", processing = "cpm")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

PCA - log2 cpm edgeR

Read log2 counts per million (edgeR) from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(reads, log = TRUE))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "all", processing = "log2cpm-edgeR")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Molecule log2 counts per million (edgeR) from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(molecules, log = TRUE))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "all", processing = "log2cpm-edgeR")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Read log2 counts per million (edgeR) from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(reads_ubiq, log = TRUE))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "ubiq", processing = "log2cpm-edgeR")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Molecule log2 counts per million (edgeR) from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(cpm(molecules_ubiq, log = TRUE))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "ubiq", processing = "log2cpm-edgeR")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

PCA - log2 cpm Rafa

Read counts per million from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(log2(cpm(reads) + 1))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "all", processing = "log2cpm-Rafa")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Molecule counts per million from all genes with at least one observed read.

pca <- run_pca(log2(cpm(molecules) + 1))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "all", processing = "log2cpm-Rafa")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Read counts per million from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(log2(cpm(reads_ubiq) + 1))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "reads", genes = "ubiq", processing = "log2cpm-Rafa")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)

Molecule counts per million from set of ubiquitous genes.

pca <- run_pca(log2(cpm(molecules_ubiq) + 1))
d <- data.frame(id = rownames(pca$PCs), pca$PCs[, 1:2],
                pgd = pgd_all,
                type = "molecules", genes = "ubiq", processing = "log2cpm-Rafa")
d_full <- rbind(d_full, d)


For the plots below, the x-axis is always the proportion of genes detected (PGD) that was calculated when considering all genes with at least one read in at least one single cell. PC1 on the y-axis is from the PCA performed on the indicated subset of genes. Note: The direction of the correlation is arbitrary because the direction of PC1 is arbitrarily assigned during PCA.

d_full <- separate(d_full, col = id, into = c("individual", "replicate", "well"),
                   sep = "\\.")

Effect of processing on reads using all genes:

p_reads_all <- ggplot(d_full[d_full$type == "reads" & d_full$genes == "all", ],
                      aes(x = pgd, y = PC1)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = individual), alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
  facet_wrap(~processing) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Effect of processing on molecules using all genes:

p_molecules_all <- p_reads_all %+% d_full[d_full$type == "molecules" & d_full$genes == "all", ]

Effect of processing on reads using ubiquitous genes:

p_reads_filter <- p_reads_all %+% d_full[d_full$type == "reads" & d_full$genes == "ubiq", ]

Effect of processing on molecules using ubiquitous genes:

p_molecules_filter <- p_reads_all %+% d_full[d_full$type == "molecules" & d_full$genes == "ubiq", ]


Session information

R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] testit_0.4    cowplot_0.3.1 ggplot2_1.0.1 tidyr_0.2.0   edgeR_3.10.2 
[6] limma_3.24.9  knitr_1.10.5 

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