Last updated: 2015-06-11

Code version: 44338a0a5f347c0c7a565729f2a86161eb3229d3

I performed PCA on the ERCC spike-ins to assess technical variability and a subset (~1000) of genes with a high coefficient of variation to assess the biological variability.



The script compiles all the gene counts and extracts the relevant variables from the filename. The result is the file gene-counts.txt. Each row is a given fastq file (i.e. the sequences obtained for one from one lane of one flow cell), and each column is a variable (including all the genes).

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 16))
counts <- fread("/mnt/gluster/data/internal_supp/singleCellSeq/gene-counts.txt")

Read 0.0% of 12402 rows
Read 80.6% of 12402 rows
Read 12402 rows and 20427 (of 20427) columns from 0.524 GB file in 00:00:30

Remove the combined samples. Only want to keep the per lane counts.

counts <- counts[!]
[1] 10656 20427
head(counts[, 1:11, with = FALSE])
   individual batch well    index lane flow_cell              sickle rmdup
1:      19098     1  A08 GAGCTCCA L003 C6WURACXX     quality-trimmed reads
2:      19098     1  B07 TCAGTGTG L006 C723YACXX not-quality-trimmed reads
3:      19098     1  A06 GTCTGTAT L003 C6WURACXX     quality-trimmed reads
4:      19098     1  B09 AAAGGTCC L002 C6WYKACXX not-quality-trimmed reads
5:      19098     1  C06 TCGGGTGA L002 C6WYKACXX not-quality-trimmed reads
6:      19098     1  F06 TCGCTAGT L003 C6WURACXX     quality-trimmed reads
   ENSG00000186092 ENSG00000237683 ENSG00000235249
1:               0               0               0
2:               0               0               0
3:               0               0               0
4:               0               0               0
5:               0               0               0
6:               0               0               0
table(counts$lane, counts$flow_cell, counts$sickle, counts$rmdup)
, ,  = not-quality-trimmed,  = molecules

  L001        96        18        96        96
  L002        96        96        96        96
  L003        96        96        96        96
  L004        96        96        96        96
  L005        96        96        18        96
  L006        96        96        96        96
  L007        96        96        96         0
  L008        18        96        96        18

, ,  = quality-trimmed,  = molecules

  L001        96        18        96        96
  L002        96        96        96        96
  L003        96        96        96        96
  L004        96        96        96        96
  L005        96        96        18        96
  L006        96        96        96        96
  L007        96        96        96         0
  L008        18        96        96        18

, ,  = not-quality-trimmed,  = reads

  L001        96        18        96        96
  L002        96        96        96        96
  L003        96        96        96        96
  L004        96        96        96        96
  L005        96        96        18        96
  L006        96        96        96        96
  L007        96        96        96         0
  L008        18        96        96        18

, ,  = quality-trimmed,  = reads

  L001        96        18        96        96
  L002        96        96        96        96
  L003        96        96        96        96
  L004        96        96        96        96
  L005        96        96        18        96
  L006        96        96        96        96
  L007        96        96        96         0
  L008        18        96        96        18


calc_pca <- function(dt, num_pcs = 1:6) {
  # Calculate pca.
  # dt - data.table
  # num_pcs: Number of PCs to return
  stopifnot(class(dt)[1] == "data.table")
  dt <- dt[, colSums(dt) > 0, with = FALSE]
  dt <- t(dt)
  cpm_mat <- cpm(dt, log = TRUE)
  pca <- prcomp(t(cpm_mat), scale. = TRUE)
  # return(as.list(pca$x))
  return(pca$x[, num_pcs])
calc_pca_by_subset <- function(counts, anno, num_pcs = 1:6) {
  # Calculate pca for 4 subsets:
  #  quality-trimmed reads
  #  quality-trimmed molecules
  #  not-quality-trimmed reads
  #  not-quality-trimmed molecules
  # counts: data.table of counts with rows = samples and columns = genes
  # anno: annotation file with rows = samples and columns = categorical variables
  # num_pcs: Number of PCs to return
  # Returns data.frame with PCs plus annotation
  stopifnot(class(counts)[1] == "data.table",
            class(anno)[1] == "data.table")
  pca <- data.frame()
  for (rmdup_status in c("molecules", "reads")) {
    for (sickle_status in c("not-quality-trimmed", "quality-trimmed")) {
      dat <- counts[anno$rmdup == rmdup_status & anno$sickle == sickle_status, ]
      # print(dat[, .N])
      result <- calc_pca(dat, num_pcs = num_pcs)
      result_df <- data.frame(anno[rmdup == rmdup_status & sickle == sickle_status, ], result,
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      pca <- rbind(pca, result_df)
correlate_pcs <- function(pca) {
  # Plot heatmaps of adjusted r-squared values from simple linear regression between PCs
  # and categorical variables.
  # pca: data.frame of PCs plus annotation
  factors <- colnames(pca)[c(1:6, 9)]
  pcs <- colnames(pca)[10:ncol(pca)]
  for (rmdup_status in c("molecules", "reads")) {
    for (sickle_status in c("not-quality-trimmed", "quality-trimmed")) {
      pca_corr <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(factors), ncol = length(pcs),
                              dimnames = list(factors, pcs))
      for (fac in factors) {
        for (pc in pcs) {
          result_lm <- lm(pca[pca$rmdup == rmdup_status &
                                     pca$sickle == sickle_status, pc] ~
                            as.factor(pca[pca$rmdup == rmdup_status &
                                                 pca$sickle == sickle_status, fac]))
          result_r2 <- summary(result_lm)$adj.r.squared
          # result_df <- data.frame(fac, pc, result_r2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          pca_corr[fac, pc] <- result_r2
      heatmap.2(pca_corr, trace = "none", main = paste(rmdup_status, sickle_status))

PCA on ERCC spike-ins

Using only the ERCC control genes for PCA. Should isolate purely technical effects.

counts_ercc <- counts[, grep("ERCC", colnames(counts)), with = FALSE]
anno <- counts[, 1:8, with = FALSE]
anno$type <- ifelse(anno$well == "bulk", "bulk", "single")
pca_ercc <- calc_pca_by_subset(counts_ercc, anno)
ggplot(pca_ercc, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, col = as.factor(type))) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(sickle ~ rmdup)

ggplot(pca_ercc, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, col = as.factor(individual), shape = as.factor(batch))) +
  geom_point(size = 3, alpha = 0.5) +
  facet_grid(sickle ~ rmdup)

ggplot(pca_ercc, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, col = as.factor(batch))) +
  geom_point(size = 3, alpha = 0.5) +
  facet_grid(sickle ~ rmdup)


PCA on highly variable genes

It is too computationally intensive to perform PCA on thousands of genes. Instead limiting to genes with a high coefficient of variation for the non-quality-trimmed reads.

Find most variable genes

cov <- counts[, lapply(.SD, function(x) sd(x) / (mean(x) + 1)),
              by = .(rmdup, sickle),
              .SDcols = grep("ENSG", colnames(counts))]
cov_reads_not_qual <- cov[rmdup == "reads" & sickle == "not-quality-trimmed",
                          grep("ENSG", colnames(cov)), with = FALSE]
cov_vec <- as.numeric(cov_reads_not_qual)
names(cov_vec) <- colnames(cov_reads_not_qual)
var_genes <- names(cov_vec)[cov_vec > 3]

PCA using variable genes

counts_cov <- counts[, var_genes, with = FALSE]
pca_cov <- calc_pca_by_subset(counts_cov, anno)
ggplot(pca_cov, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, col = as.factor(type))) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(sickle ~ rmdup)

ggplot(pca_cov, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, col = as.factor(individual))) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(sickle ~ rmdup)


Session information

R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] gplots_2.17.0    ggplot2_1.0.1    edgeR_3.10.2     limma_3.24.9    
[5] data.table_1.9.4 knitr_1.10.5    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.11.6        magrittr_1.5       MASS_7.3-40       
 [4] munsell_0.4.2      colorspace_1.2-6   stringr_1.0.0     
 [7] plyr_1.8.2         caTools_1.17.1     tools_3.2.0       
[10] grid_3.2.0         gtable_0.1.2       KernSmooth_2.23-14
[13] gtools_3.5.0       htmltools_0.2.6    yaml_2.1.13       
[16] digest_0.6.8       reshape2_1.4.1     formatR_1.2       
[19] bitops_1.0-6       evaluate_0.7       rmarkdown_0.6.1   
[22] labeling_0.3       gdata_2.16.1       stringi_0.4-1     
[25] scales_0.2.4       chron_2.3-45       proto_0.3-10