Last updated: 2016-02-18

Code version: f51613737909d5bd9654cd6318fcff8e9e1ef28a

To avoid assignment errors like the one identified in the analysis to understand the conversion bug, I re-ran featureCounts using the option --read2pos 5. This only considers the 5’ most base. Since the reads are stranded, we do not want to count reads mapping to a gene just because their 3’ end overlaps an exon (or conversely if the 3’ end is unabmiguous but the 5’ is not, we do not want to throw it away). I did a quick check to make sure this was not drastically changing the results. I inspected 19098.r1.A01, which is a quality single cell. I ran the following lines to make files which only contain the gene name and counts (not executed directly by this file).

cut -f1,7 counts/19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX.trim.sickle.sorted.genecounts.txt > $ssc/data/new-reads.txt
cut -f1,7 counts-prev/19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX.trim.sickle.sorted.genecounts.txt > $ssc/data/prev-reads.txt
cut -f1,7 counts/19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX.trim.sickle.sorted.rmdup.genecounts.txt > $ssc/data/new-molecules.txt
cut -f1,7 counts-prev/19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX.trim.sickle.sorted.rmdup.genecounts.txt > $ssc/data/prev-molecules.txt
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 12))
theme_update(panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
             panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
             panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
             panel.grid.major.y = element_blank())


new_reads <- read.table("../data/new-reads.txt", header = TRUE,
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
prev_reads <- read.table("../data/prev-reads.txt", header = TRUE,
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
new_molecules <- read.table("../data/new-molecules.txt", header = TRUE,
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
prev_molecules <- read.table("../data/prev-molecules.txt", header = TRUE,
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stopifnot(grepl("19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX", colnames(new_reads)[2]),
          grepl("19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX", colnames(prev_reads)[2]),
          grepl("19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX", colnames(new_molecules)[2]),
          grepl("19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX", colnames(prev_molecules)[2]),
          new_reads$Geneid == prev_reads$Geneid,
          new_molecules$Geneid == prev_molecules$Geneid,
          new_reads$Geneid == new_molecules$Geneid)
d <- data.frame(new_reads = new_reads[, 2],
                new_molecules = new_molecules[, 2],
                prev_reads = prev_reads[, 2],
                prev_molecules = prev_molecules[, 2],
                row.names = new_reads$Geneid,
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                new_reads new_molecules prev_reads prev_molecules
ENSG00000186092         0             0          0              0
ENSG00000237683         0             0          0              0
ENSG00000235249         0             0          0              0
ENSG00000185097         0             0          0              0
ENSG00000269831         0             0          0              0
ENSG00000269308         0             0          0              0

Complete chages in expression

# genes with zero reads that now have reads
sum(d$prev_reads == 0 & d$new_reads != 0)
[1] 30
# genes with reads that now have zero reads
sum(d$prev_reads != 0 & d$new_reads == 0)
[1] 202
# genes with zero molecules that now have molecules
sum(d$prev_molecules == 0 & d$new_molecules != 0)
[1] 30
# genes with molecules that now have zero molecules
sum(d$prev_molecules != 0 & d$new_molecules == 0)
[1] 198

Discordance problem?

I know that the previous counts were sometimes discordant between the reads and the molecules. In the bug analysis, I found that the gene ENSG00000187583 had 4 reads in 19098.1.G11.GGCAGACT.L003.R1.C6WURACXX but zero molecules. These reads were lost somehow in the remove duplication stage, but based on their strand and start position they should never have been counted in the first place. read2pos worked for this read as now it is no longer assigned to ENSG00000187583.

d["ENSG00000187583", ]
                new_reads new_molecules prev_reads prev_molecules
ENSG00000187583         0             0          4              0

And it wasn’t the only affected gene.

# genes with > 0 reads and 0 molecules
d[d$prev_reads > 0 & d$prev_molecules == 0, ]
                new_reads new_molecules prev_reads prev_molecules
ENSG00000187583         0             0          4              0
ENSG00000167766         0             0          3              0
ENSG00000172869         0             0          5              0
ENSG00000267645         0             0          1              0
# genes with 0 reads and > 0 molecules
d[d$prev_reads == 0 & d$prev_molecules > 0, ]
[1] new_reads      new_molecules  prev_reads     prev_molecules
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Were the other 3 problem genes also fixed by read2pos like ENSG00000187583?

# genes with > 0 reads and 0 molecules
d[d$new_reads > 0 & d$new_molecules == 0, ]
[1] new_reads      new_molecules  prev_reads     prev_molecules
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
# genes with 0 reads and > 0 molecules
d[d$new_reads == 0 & d$new_molecules > 0, ]
[1] new_reads      new_molecules  prev_reads     prev_molecules
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)


Endogenous genes

Using read2pos is having an effect, but of course the results are still highly correlated.

ensg_index <- grepl("ENSG", rownames(d))
cor(d[ensg_index, ])
               new_reads new_molecules prev_reads prev_molecules
new_reads      1.0000000     0.9206626  0.9898788      0.9053786
new_molecules  0.9206626     1.0000000  0.9193536      0.9823254
prev_reads     0.9898788     0.9193536  1.0000000      0.9234511
prev_molecules 0.9053786     0.9823254  0.9234511      1.0000000


The red line is the least squares best fit. The blue line is y = x.

base_plot <- ggplot(d[ensg_index, ], aes(x = prev_reads, y = new_reads)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red") +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "blue")
endo_reads <- base_plot

Log transformed.

endo_reads_log <- base_plot %+% aes(x = log2(prev_reads + 1),
                                    y = log2(new_reads + 1))


endo_molecules <- base_plot %+% aes(x = prev_molecules, y = new_molecules)

Log transformed.

endo_molecules_log <- base_plot %+% aes(x = log2(prev_molecules + 1),
                                        y = log2(new_molecules + 1))

Conversion of reads to molecules


endo_reads2molecules_prev <- base_plot %+% aes(x = log2(prev_reads + 1),
                                               y = log2(prev_molecules + 1))

New with read2pos.

endo_reads2molecules_new <- base_plot %+% aes(x = log2(new_reads + 1),
                                               y = log2(new_molecules + 1))

ERCC genes

This had no effect on the ERCC reads (correlation = 1). This makes sense because each ERCC is treated as its own chromosome, there is no chance of an ERCC read overlapping more than one feature. On the other hand, the molecules are not perfectly correlated. I’m not sure why they would be any different, which is worrisome, because it suggests I haven’t fixed all the strangeness with read2pos.

ercc_index <- grepl("ERCC", rownames(d))
cor(d[ercc_index, ])
               new_reads new_molecules prev_reads prev_molecules
new_reads      1.0000000     0.9914801  1.0000000      0.9898164
new_molecules  0.9914801     1.0000000  0.9914801      0.9998716
prev_reads     1.0000000     0.9914801  1.0000000      0.9898164
prev_molecules 0.9898164     0.9998716  0.9898164      1.0000000


ercc_reads <- base_plot %+% d[ercc_index, ]

Log transformed.

ercc_reads_log <- ercc_reads %+% aes(x = log2(prev_reads + 1),
                                     y = log2(new_reads + 1))


ercc_molecules <- ercc_reads %+% aes(x = prev_molecules, y = new_molecules)

Log transformed.

ercc_molecules_log <- ercc_reads %+% aes(x = log2(prev_molecules + 1),
                                         y = log2(new_molecules + 1))

Conversion of reads to molecules


ercc_reads2molecules_prev <- ercc_reads %+% aes(x = log2(prev_reads + 1),
                                               y = log2(prev_molecules + 1))

New with read2pos.

ercc_reads2molecules_new <- ercc_reads %+% aes(x = log2(new_reads + 1),
                                               y = log2(new_molecules + 1))

Session information

R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_1.0.1 knitr_1.10.5 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.0      digest_0.6.8     MASS_7.3-40      bitops_1.0-6    
 [5] grid_3.2.0       plyr_1.8.3       gtable_0.1.2     formatR_1.2     
 [9] magrittr_1.5     scales_0.2.4     evaluate_0.7     httr_0.6.1      
[13] stringi_0.4-1    reshape2_1.4.1   rmarkdown_0.6.1  labeling_0.3    
[17] proto_0.3-10     tools_3.2.0      stringr_1.0.0    munsell_0.4.2   
[21] RCurl_1.95-4.6   yaml_2.1.13      colorspace_1.2-6 htmltools_0.2.6