Last updated: 2019-04-10

Checks: 6 0

Knit directory: dc-bioc-limma/analysis/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/table-s1.txt
    Untracked:  analysis/table-s2.txt
    Untracked:  code/tb-scratch.R
    Untracked:  data/counts_per_sample.txt
    Untracked:  docs/table-s1.txt
    Untracked:  docs/table-s2.txt
    Untracked:  factorial-dox.rds

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These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.

File Version Author Date Message
html 41b57ee John Blischak 2019-02-26 Build site.
html 2372aa1 John Blischak 2019-01-09 Build site.
html f440a87 John Blischak 2018-08-20 Build site.
html ad13021 John Blischak 2018-08-02 Build site.
Rmd 50e1949 John Blischak 2018-08-02 Increase text size of boxplots.
Rmd 010a04c John Blischak 2018-08-02 Convert vdx analysis to Rmd and increase font size in figs.

Study of breast cancer:

  • Bioconductor package breastCancerVDX
  • Published in Wang et al., 2005 and Minn et al., 2007
  • 344 patients: 209 ER+, 135 ER-

Prepare data

[1] "ExpressionSet"
[1] "Biobase"
Features  Samples 
   22283      344 
pData(vdx)[1:3, ]
      samplename dataset series id        filename size age er grade pgr
VDX_3      VDX_3     VDX    VDX  3 GSM36793.CEL.gz   NA  36  0    NA  NA
VDX_5      VDX_5     VDX    VDX  5 GSM36796.CEL.gz   NA  47  1     3  NA
VDX_6      VDX_6     VDX    VDX  6 GSM36797.CEL.gz   NA  44  0     3  NA
      her2 brca.mutation e.dmfs t.dmfs node t.rfs e.rfs treatment tissue
VDX_3   NA            NA      0   3072    0    NA    NA         0      1
VDX_5   NA            NA      0   3589    0    NA    NA         0      1
VDX_6   NA            NA      1    274    0    NA    NA         0      1
      t.os e.os
VDX_3   NA   NA
VDX_5   NA   NA
VDX_6   NA   NA
fData(vdx)[1:3, 1:5]
              probe                                  Gene.title
1007_s_at 1007_s_at discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 1
1053_at     1053_at replication factor C (activator 1) 2, 40kDa
117_at       117_at        heat shock 70kDa protein 6 (HSP70B')
          Gene.symbol Gene.ID EntrezGene.ID
1007_s_at        DDR1     780           780
1053_at          RFC2    5982          5982
117_at          HSPA6    3310          3310
x <- exprs(vdx)
f <- fData(vdx)
p <- pData(vdx)

f <- f[, c("Gene.symbol", "EntrezGene.ID", "Chromosome.location")]
colnames(f) <- c("symbol", "entrez", "chrom")

# Recode er as 0 = negative and 1 = positive
p[, "er"] <- ifelse(p[, "er"] == 0, "negative", "positive")
p <- p[, c("id", "age", "er")]

Explore data

boxplot(x[1, ] ~ p[, "er"], main = f[1, "symbol"])
eset <- ExpressionSet(assayData = x,
                      phenoData = AnnotatedDataFrame(p),
                      featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(f))
Features  Samples 
   22283      344 
boxplot(exprs(eset)[1, ] ~ pData(eset)[, "er"],
        main = fData(eset)[1, "symbol"])

Version Author Date
2372aa1 John Blischak 2019-01-09
f440a87 John Blischak 2018-08-20
ad13021 John Blischak 2018-08-02

limma pipeline

design <- model.matrix(~er, data = pData(eset))
head(design, 2)
      (Intercept) erpositive
VDX_3           1          0
VDX_5           1          1
(Intercept)  erpositive 
        344         209 
table(pData(eset)[, "er"])

negative positive 
     135      209 

Attaching package: 'limma'
The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':

fit <- lmFit(eset, design)
head(fit$coefficients, 3)
          (Intercept)  erpositive
1007_s_at   11.725148  0.09878782
1053_at      8.126934 -0.54673000
117_at       7.972049 -0.17342654
fit <- eBayes(fit)
head(fit$t, 3)
          (Intercept) erpositive
1007_s_at    276.8043   1.817824
1053_at      122.5899  -6.428278
117_at       164.0240  -2.781294
results <- decideTests(fit[, "erpositive"])
Down         6276
NotSig      11003
Up           5004


design <- model.matrix(~0 + er, data = pData(eset))
      ernegative erpositive
VDX_3          1          0
VDX_5          0          1
VDX_6          1          0
VDX_7          1          0
VDX_8          1          0
VDX_9          0          1
ernegative erpositive 
       135        209 
cm <- makeContrasts(status = erpositive - ernegative,
                    levels = design)
Levels       status
  ernegative     -1
  erpositive      1
fit <- lmFit(eset, design)
          ernegative erpositive
1007_s_at  11.725148  11.823936
1053_at     8.126934   7.580204
117_at      7.972049   7.798623
121_at     10.168975  10.086393
1255_g_at   5.903189   5.729195
1294_at     9.166436   9.390949
fit2 <-, contrasts = cm)
  1007_s_at  0.09878782
  1053_at   -0.54673000
  117_at    -0.17342654
  121_at    -0.08258267
  1255_g_at -0.17399402
  1294_at    0.22451339
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
results <- decideTests(fit2)
Down     6276
NotSig  11003
Up       5004
              symbol entrez   chrom    logFC   AveExpr        t
205225_at       ESR1   2099  6q25.1 3.762901 11.377735 22.68392
209603_at      GATA3   2625   10p15 3.052348  9.941990 18.98154
209604_s_at    GATA3   2625   10p15 2.431309 13.185334 17.59968
212956_at     TBC1D9  23158 4q31.21 2.157435 11.702942 17.48711
202088_at    SLC39A6  25800 18q12.2 1.719680 13.119496 17.30104
212496_s_at    KDM4B  23030 19p13.3 1.459843 10.703942 16.85070
215867_x_at     CA12    771   15q22 2.246120 11.450485 16.79123
209602_s_at    GATA3   2625   10p15 2.921505  9.547850 16.43202
212195_at      IL6ST   3572    5q11 1.381778 11.737839 16.31864
218195_at   C6orf211  79624  6q25.1 1.738740  9.479901 16.27378
                 P.Value    adj.P.Val         B
205225_at   2.001001e-70 4.458832e-66 149.19866
209603_at   1.486522e-55 1.656209e-51 115.46414
209604_s_at 5.839050e-50 4.337052e-46 102.75707
212956_at   1.665700e-49 9.279201e-46 101.72268
202088_at   9.412084e-49 4.194589e-45 100.01376
212496_s_at 6.188671e-47 2.298369e-43  95.88265
215867_x_at 1.074845e-46 3.421537e-43  95.33780
209602_s_at 3.004184e-45 8.367780e-42  92.05058
212195_at   8.581176e-45 2.124604e-41  91.01458
218195_at   1.299472e-44 2.895613e-41  90.60496

Visualize results

For Ch3 L2 plotMDS/removeBatchEffect

stats <- topTable(fit2, number = nrow(fit2), = "none")
[1] 22283     9

Version Author Date
2372aa1 John Blischak 2019-01-09
f440a87 John Blischak 2018-08-20
ad13021 John Blischak 2018-08-02
hist(stats[, "P.Value"])

Version Author Date
2372aa1 John Blischak 2019-01-09
f440a87 John Blischak 2018-08-20
ad13021 John Blischak 2018-08-02
volcanoplot(fit2, highlight = 5, names = fit2$genes[, "symbol"])

Version Author Date
2372aa1 John Blischak 2019-01-09
f440a87 John Blischak 2018-08-20
ad13021 John Blischak 2018-08-02


topTable(fit2, number = 3)
            symbol entrez  chrom    logFC  AveExpr        t      P.Value
205225_at     ESR1   2099 6q25.1 3.762901 11.37774 22.68392 2.001001e-70
209603_at    GATA3   2625  10p15 3.052348  9.94199 18.98154 1.486522e-55
209604_s_at  GATA3   2625  10p15 2.431309 13.18533 17.59968 5.839050e-50
               adj.P.Val        B
205225_at   4.458832e-66 149.1987
209603_at   1.656209e-51 115.4641
209604_s_at 4.337052e-46 102.7571
# 1000 genes (10% in gene set), 100 are DE (10% in gene set)
fisher.test(matrix(c(10, 100, 90, 900), nrow = 2))

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  matrix(c(10, 100, 90, 900), nrow = 2)
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.4490765 2.0076377
sample estimates:
odds ratio 
# 1000 genes (10% in gene set), 100 are DE (30% in gene set)
fisher.test(matrix(c(30, 100, 70, 900), nrow = 2))

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  matrix(c(30, 100, 70, 900), nrow = 2)
p-value = 1.88e-07
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
 2.306911 6.320992
sample estimates:
odds ratio 
head(fit2$genes, 3)
          symbol entrez   chrom
1007_s_at   DDR1    780  6p21.3
1053_at     RFC2   5982 7q11.23
117_at     HSPA6   3310    1q23
entrez <- fit2$genes[, "entrez"]

enrich_kegg <- kegga(fit2, geneid = entrez, species = "Hs")
topKEGG(enrich_kegg, number = 4)
                                              Pathway   N Up Down
path:hsa04110                              Cell cycle 115 30   82
path:hsa05166 Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection 202 49  124
path:hsa05169            Epstein-Barr virus infection 194 37  114
path:hsa04218                     Cellular senescence 145 32   88
                   P.Up       P.Down
path:hsa04110 0.7955186 8.108269e-16
path:hsa05166 0.9496029 4.456075e-15
path:hsa05169 0.9995466 3.656613e-12
path:hsa04218 0.9784768 9.991751e-11
enrich_go <- goana(fit2, geneid = entrez, species = "Hs")
topGO(enrich_go, ontology = "BP", number = 3)
                            Term Ont    N  Up Down P.Up       P.Down
GO:0002376 immune system process  BP 2337 528 1096    1 1.041713e-41
GO:0006955       immune response  BP 1624 322  797    1 1.403459e-37
GO:0045321  leukocyte activation  BP 1015 216  507    1 1.434672e-25

R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
[1] limma_3.38.3           breastCancerVDX_1.20.0 Biobase_2.42.0        
[4] BiocGenerics_0.28.0   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.1           AnnotationDbi_1.44.0 knitr_1.22.6        
 [4] whisker_0.3-2        magrittr_1.5         workflowr_1.2.0.9000
 [7] IRanges_2.16.0       bit_1.1-14   
[10] blob_1.1.1           stringr_1.4.0        tools_3.5.3         
[13] xfun_0.6             DBI_1.0.0            git2r_0.25.1        
[16] htmltools_0.3.6      bit64_0.9-7          yaml_2.2.0          
[19] rprojroot_1.2        digest_0.6.18        S4Vectors_0.20.1    
[22] fs_1.2.7             memoise_1.1.0        RSQLite_2.1.1       
[25] glue_1.3.1           evaluate_0.13        rmarkdown_1.12      
[28] stringi_1.4.3        compiler_3.5.3       GO.db_3.7.0         
[31] backports_1.1.3      stats4_3.5.3         pkgconfig_2.0.2