Last updated: 2016-07-08

Code version: f3271c626c586079652907b55fa357b6f569fd26

Background and some observations

Preliminary investigation into expression noise at the transcriptional level. We looked at expression noise across all the cells, including the cells that were not detected (i.e., count = 0) in the experiment. The investigatino begins with coefficeint of variation - a popular measure for quantifying variation in the data.

  1. Computation of CV: We were interested in the variation in our batch-corrected data. But since these data are log2-transformed counts. We take 2 to the power of log-transformed counts and then compute the CV based on these corrected counts.

  2. Corrected CV: Because in sequencing data, CVs are confounded with abundance levels, we performed a calculation that transformed each CV into a measure of deviation from the median of the CVs from the genes of similar abudance levels.

Set up

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 12))

Prepare data

Input annotation of only QC-filtered single cells, with NA19098.r2 removed.

anno_filter <- read.table("../data/annotation-filter.txt", 
                      header = TRUE,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
[1] 564   5
head(anno_filter, 2)
  individual replicate well      batch      sample_id
1    NA19098        r1  A01 NA19098.r1 NA19098.r1.A01
2    NA19098        r1  A02 NA19098.r1 NA19098.r1.A02

Import molecule counts after filtering and before any correction.

molecules_filter <- read.table("../data/molecules-filter.txt",
                               header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stopifnot(NROW(anno_filter) == NCOL(molecules_filter))

Import final processed molecule counts of endogeneous genes.

molecules_final <- read.table("../data/molecules-final.txt", 
                             header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
[1] 13058   564
stopifnot(NROW(anno_filter) == NCOL(molecules_final))

Import gene symbols.

gene_symbols <- read.table(file = "../data/gene-info.txt", sep = "\t",
                           header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote = "")

Import cell cycle and pluripotency genes.

cell_cycle_genes <- read.table("../data/cellcyclegenes.txt",
                               header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

pluripotency_genes <- read.table("../data/pluripotency-genes.txt",
                               header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)$To

Compute CV and adjusted CV values

  1. Compute Squared Coefficients of Variation across cells for each individual;
  2. Adjust Squared CVs for confounding effect with the mean:
    • Compute rolling medians of gene expression levels,
    • Compute Squared CVs corresponding to rolling medians of gene expression levels, deviation of adjusted CVs.

Sanity-check plots.

Supplemenetal for the Methods section.

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 8))
  ggplot(data.frame(log10cv_1 = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$cv^2),
                    log10cv_2 = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$cv^2)),
       aes(x = log10cv_1, y = log10cv_2)) +
    geom_point(cex = .4) +
    xlab("NA19098 log10 squared-CV values") +
    ylab("NA19101 log10 squared-CV values") +
    ggtitle("Relationship between individual DM values") +
    theme(legend.position = "none"),
  ggplot(data.frame(dm1 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
                    dm2 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj),
       aes(x = dm1, y = dm2)) +
    geom_point(cex = .4) +
    xlab("NA19098 DM values") +
    ylab("NA19101 DM values") +
    ggtitle("Relationship between individual DM values") +
    theme(legend.position = "none"),
  ggplot(data.frame(dm = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
                    log10_mean = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$mean)),
         aes(x = log10_mean, y = dm)) +
      geom_point(cex = .4) +
      xlab("log10 average molecule count") +
      ylab("DM values") +
      ggtitle("NA19098") +
      theme(legend.position = "none"),
    ggplot(data.frame(dm = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj,
                    log10_mean = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$mean)),
         aes(x = log10_mean, y = dm)) +
      geom_point(cex = .4) +
      xlab("log10 average molecule count") +
      ylab("DM values") +
      ggtitle("NA19101") +
      theme(legend.position = "none"),
  ggplot(data.frame(dm = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj,
                    log10_mean = log10(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$mean)),
         aes(x = log10_mean, y = dm)) +
      geom_point(cex = .4) +
      xlab("log10 average molecule count") +
      ylab("DM values") +
      ggtitle("NA19239") +
      theme(legend.position = "none"),
  ncol = 2,
  labels = LETTERS[1:5] )

Check pluripotency and cell-cycle

Mark cell-cycle genes.

genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
ii_cellcycle_genes <- lapply(1:3, function(per_individual) {
  genes %in% unlist(cell_cycle_genes)
names(ii_cellcycle_genes) <- names(ENSG_cv)[1:3]
ii_cellcycle_genes <-, ii_cellcycle_genes)

ggplot(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
                  dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj, 
                         ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ),
       aes(x = log10(mean), y = dm )) +
  geom_point(aes(col = group), cex = 1.2) + facet_wrap( ~ group) +
  ggtitle("Cell-cycle genes") + 
      data = subset(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
                              dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj, 
                                     ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ), 
       colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2) +
  labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level",
       y = "DM values")

Mark pluripotent genes

ii_pluripotent_genes <- lapply(1:3, function(per_individual) {
  genes %in% unlist(pluripotency_genes)
names(ii_pluripotent_genes) <- names(ENSG_cv)[1:3]
ii_pluripotent_genes <-, ii_pluripotent_genes)

ggplot(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
                  dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj, 
                         ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ),
       aes(x = log10(mean), y = dm )) +
  geom_point(aes(col = group), cex = 1.2) + facet_wrap( ~ group) +
  ggtitle("Pluripotent genes") + 
      data = subset(data.frame(, ENSG_cv_adj[1:3]),
                              dm = c(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj, 
                                     ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) ), 
       colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2) +
  labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level",
       y = "DM values")

Top ranked DM genes

Venn diagram, 1000 genes

Top 1000 genes based on DM.

genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
venn_cv_rank <- gplots::venn(
  list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ] ))

Bottom 1000 genes based on DM.

genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
  list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               <= 1000 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               <= 1000 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               <= 1000 ) ] ))

Top 1000 genes based on Means.

genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
  list(NA19098 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[1]]$mean) > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[2]]$mean) > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[3]]$mean) > length(genes) - 1000 ) ] ) )

Mark top ranked genes based on individual DM values.

df_plot <- data.frame(
  cvs = c(ENSG_cv_adj[[1]]$log10cv2_adj, ENSG_cv_adj[[2]]$log10cv2_adj,
  means = c(ENSG_cv[[1]]$mean, ENSG_cv[[2]]$mean, ENSG_cv[[3]]$mean),
  individual = as.factor(rep(names(ENSG_cv)[1:3], each = NROW(ENSG_cv[[1]])) ) ) 

  ggplot( df_plot,
        aes(x = log10(means), y = cvs ) ) +
        geom_point( aes(col = as.factor(individual)), cex = 1.2 ) + 
        facet_wrap( ~ individual) +
        labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level", 
             y = "DM values") +
          data = df_plot[ rep( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000, 3), ],
          colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2 ) +
        ggtitle("Top 1,000 genes in NA19098 based on DM values") +
        theme(legend.position = "none"),
  ggplot( df_plot,
        aes(x = log10(means), y = cvs ) ) +
        geom_point( aes(col = as.factor(individual)), cex = 1.2 ) + 
        facet_wrap( ~ individual) +
        labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level", 
             y = "DM values") +
          data = df_plot[ rep( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000, 3), ],
          colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2 ) +
        ggtitle("Top 1,000 genes in NA19101 based on DM values") +
        theme(legend.position = "none"),
  ggplot( df_plot,
        aes(x = log10(means), y = cvs ) ) +
        geom_point( aes(col = as.factor(individual)), cex = 1.2 ) + 
        facet_wrap( ~ individual) +
        labs(x = "log10 average gene expression level", 
             y = "DM values") +
          data = df_plot[ rep( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000, 3), ],
          colour = "grey20", cex = 1.2 ) +
        ggtitle("Top 1,000 genes in NA19239 based on DM values") +
        theme(legend.position = "none"),
  labels = LETTERS[1:4] )  

Venn diagram, 100 genes

Top 100 genes based on DM.

genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
venn_cv_rank <- gplots::venn(
  list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 100 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 100 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 100 ) ] ))

Bottom 100 genes based on DM.

genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
  list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               <= 100 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               <= 100 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               <= 100 ) ] ))

Top 100 genes based on Means.

genes <- rownames(ENSG_cv[[1]])
  list(NA19098 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[1]]$mean) > length(genes) - 100 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[2]]$mean) > length(genes) - 100 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which(rank(ENSG_cv[[3]]$mean) > length(genes) - 100 ) ] ) )

GO analysis - individual top genes

Analyze top 1,000 genes in DM values.

# output top 1000 genes in DM values
top1000DM_genes <-
  data.frame(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# write the gene names out to a text file,
# then copy and paste to GO Consortium interface
for (ind in c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239")) {
              file = paste0("../data/top-100-dm-",ind,".txt"),
              sep = "/t", quote = FALSE,
              col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
for (ind in c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239")) {
              file = paste0("../data/top-1000-dm-",ind,".txt"),
              sep = "/t", quote = FALSE,
              col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
            file = "../data/gene-names.txt",
            sep = "/t", quote = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

GO consortium

We found no significant GO terms in PANTHER database.


Not yet figured out how to get genes associated with each sig. GO terms.

[Chunk not evaluated]

# Find GO terms
go_top1000_results <- lapply(c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239"),
    function(individual) {
        go_list <- lapply(c("BP", "MF", "CC"), function(term) {
              sig_gene_go <- GOtest(rownames(molecules_final),
                                    ontology = term,
                                    conditional.method = F)
              go_data <- goHeatmapData(list(summary(sig_gene_go$GO[[term]], 
                                                    pvalue = .01)))
        names(go_list) <- c("BP", "MF", "CC")
names(go_top1000_results) <- c("NA19098", "NA19101", "NA19239")

go_gene_list <- sig_gene_go[["GO"]][[1]]@goDag@nodeData@data
go_gene_list_names <- names(go_gene_list)
go_sig <- which(go_gene_list_names %in% go_data[,1])
go_gene_list_sig <- go_gene_list[go_sig]
# Plot heatmap
go_heatmap <- plotHeatmap(go_data, 
                          labCol = "")


ConsensusPATHDB-Human was used to perform GO over-representation analysis.


go_NA19098 <- 
               sep = "\t",
               header = TRUE)
go_NA19098_sig <- go_NA19098[go_NA19098$q.value < .1, ]
 [1] response to oxygen levels                              
 [2] response to decreased oxygen levels                    
 [3] response to hypoxia                                    
 [4] sarcoplasmic reticulum                                 
 [5] very-low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity
 [6] mononuclear cell migration                             
 [7] response to hyperoxia                                  
 [8] condensed nuclear chromosome, centromeric region       
 [9] condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore               
[10] calcium ion binding                                    
[11] carbohydrate derivative transporter activity           
59 Levels: base-excision repair, AP site formation ...


go_NA19101 <- read.table("figure/cv-adjusted-summary-pois.Rmd/",
                         sep = "\t",
                         header = TRUE)
[1] 0.008862498 0.015732966 0.033066707 0.142366905 0.142366905 0.138059112
go_NA19101_sig <- go_NA19101[go_NA19101$q.value < .1, ]
[1] mononuclear cell migration                 
[2] regulation of mononuclear cell migration   
[3] multicellular organismal response to stress
[4] glutathione derivative metabolic process   
56 Levels: acid-amino acid ligase activity ... xenobiotic metabolic process


go_NA19239 <- read.table("figure/cv-adjusted-summary-pois.Rmd/",
           sep = "\t",
           header = TRUE)
go_NA19239_sig <- go_NA19239[go_NA19239$q.value < .1, ]

 [1] extracellular space                                              
 [2] fibronectin binding                                              
 [3] calcium ion binding                                              
 [4] heparin binding                                                  
 [5] basement membrane                                                
 [6] proteinaceous extracellular matrix                               
 [7] sulfur compound binding                                          
 [8] response to zinc ion                                             
 [9] plasma membrane region                                           
[10] extracellular matrix disassembly                                 
[11] cell adhesion                                                    
[12] glycosaminoglycan binding                                        
[13] cell projection membrane                                         
[14] regulation of growth                                             
[15] intrinsic component of membrane                                  
[16] regulation of multicellular organismal process                   
[17] response to transition metal nanoparticle                        
[18] cytoskeletal protein binding                                     
[19] actin binding                                                    
[20] anatomical structure morphogenesis                               
[21] integral component of membrane                                   
[22] organ development                                                
[23] cartilage development                                            
[24] hormone metabolic process                                        
[25] system process                                                   
[26] wound healing                                                    
[27] multi-multicellular organism process                             
[28] developmental cell growth                                        
[29] negative regulation of growth                                    
[30] collagen catabolic process                                       
[31] multicellular organismal catabolic process                       
[32] laminin-10 complex                                               
[33] female pregnancy                                                 
[34] retinoic acid binding                                            
[35] connective tissue development                                    
[36] tissue development                                               
[37] plasma membrane                                                  
[38] lipid binding                                                    
[39] cell periphery                                                   
[40] extracellular structure organization                             
[41] membrane region                                                  
[42] developmental growth                                             
[43] isoprenoid metabolic process                                     
[44] apical plasma membrane                                           
[45] embryo implantation                                              
[46] response to alcohol                                              
[47] single-multicellular organism process                            
[48] sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase complex                       
[49] carboxylic acid binding                                          
[50] cell growth                                                      
[51] plasma membrane part                                             
[52] hormone activity                                                 
[53] organic acid binding                                             
[54] developmental growth involved in morphogenesis                   
[55] detection of external stimulus                                   
[56] cell-cell junction                                               
[57] response to wounding                                             
[58] stereocilium                                                     
[59] proteoglycan binding                                             
[60] fibrillar collagen trimer                                        
[61] retinoid binding                                                 
[62] banded collagen fibril                                           
[63] actin filament-based process                                     
[64] detection of abiotic stimulus                                    
[65] regulation of developmental process                              
[66] basal lamina                                                     
[67] extracellular matrix binding                                     
[68] cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
[69] transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding     
[70] metal ion binding                                                
[71] cell migration                                                   
[72] cation binding                                                   
[73] growth factor binding                                            
[74] retinol binding                                                  
[75] glycosphingolipid binding                                        
[76] apical part of cell                                              
[77] collagen binding                                                 
[78] phosphatidylserine binding                                       
[79] insulin-like growth factor binding                               
[80] isoprenoid binding                                               
[81] insulin-like growth factor binding protein complex               
[82] phospholipid binding                                             
[83] extracellular matrix structural constituent                      
[84] single-organism developmental process                            
[85] cell motility                                                    
[86] localization of cell                                             
[87] laminin complex                                                  
[88] protein-lipid complex binding                                    
[89] apolipoprotein binding                                           
[90] laminin binding                                                  
[91] regulation of biological quality                                 
166 Levels: actin binding ... wound healing

*Why is there so many more GO terms in NA19239 than the other two individuals?

[Chunk not evaluated]

top1000DM_genes <-
  data.frame(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

par(mfrow = c(2,2))
boxplot(cbind(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj[which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 )],
              ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj[which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 )]) )
title(main = "adjusted CV")

  cbind(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$mean[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj)
                                        > length(genes) - 1000 )],
        ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$mean[which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 )]) )

GO analysis - shared noisy genes

shared_venn <- gplots::venn(
  list(NA19098 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19101 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ],
       NA19239 = genes[ which( rank(ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) 
                               > length(genes) - 1000 ) ] ) )

shared_genes <- attr(shared_venn, "intersections")[['111']]

# write.table(shared_genes,
#             file = ("../data/top-1000-dm-shared.txt"),
#             sep = "/t", quote = FALSE,
#            col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

ConsensusPATHDB-Human was used to perform GO over-representation analysis.

Of the 120 noisy genes that are common to all three individual cell lines, 38 of the genes are over-represented in the following functions:

go_top_shared <- read.table("figure/cv-adjusted-summary-pois.Rmd/",
                         sep = "\t",
                         header = TRUE)
go_top_shared <- go_top_shared[go_top_shared$q.value < .1, ]
 [1] inner mitochondrial membrane protein complex                                                                    
 [2] respiratory electron transport chain                                                                            
 [3] electron transport chain                                                                                        
 [4] nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process                                                                       
 [5] nucleoside monophosphate metabolic process                                                                      
 [6] mitochondrial protein complex                                                                                   
 [7] respiratory chain complex                                                                                       
 [8] condensed nuclear chromosome, centromeric region                                                                
 [9] condensed nuclear chromosome outer kinetochore                                                                  
[10] response to erythropoietin                                                                                      
[11] mitochondrial respiratory chain                                                                                 
[12] response to transition metal nanoparticle                                                                       
[13] NADH dehydrogenase (quinone) activity                                                                           
[14] respiratory chain                                                                                               
[15] response to hyperoxia                                                                                           
[16] response to increased oxygen levels                                                                             
[17] NADH dehydrogenase activity                                                                                     
[18] mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I                                                                       
[19] NADH dehydrogenase complex                                                                                      
[20] respiratory chain complex I                                                                                     
[21] oxidative phosphorylation                                                                                       
[22] purine nucleoside metabolic process                                                                             
[23] mitochondrial membrane part                                                                                     
[24] response to zinc ion                                                                                            
[25] cellular respiration                                                                                            
[26] oxidoreductase complex                                                                                          
[27] ribonucleoside metabolic process                                                                                
[28] oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P)H, quinone or similar compound as acceptor                             
[29] vascular smooth muscle cell development                                                                         
[30] condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore                                                                        
[31] condensed nuclear chromosome                                                                                    
[32] phospholipase inhibitor activity                                                                                
[33] DNA binding, bending                                                                                            
[34] cellular response to lipid                                                                                      
[35] cardiac muscle cell development                                                                                 
[36] response to cadmium ion                                                                                         
[37] lipase inhibitor activity                                                                                       
[38] cardiocyte differentiation                                                                                      
[39] histone-serine phosphorylation                                                                                  
[40] positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
[41] ribonucleotide metabolic process                                                                                
[42] purine nucleotide metabolic process                                                                             
[43] regulation of mitochondrial depolarization                                                                      
[44] glutathione biosynthetic process                                                                                
[45] synaptonemal complex organization                                                                               
[46] RNA replication                                                                                                 
[47] negative regulation of catabolic process                                                                        
[48] midbody                                                                                                         
[49] cellular response to metal ion                                                                                  
[50] meiotic chromosome segregation                                                                                  
[51] actin-mediated cell contraction                                                                                 
[52] condensed chromosome outer kinetochore                                                                          
[53] proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o)                                                  
[54] acid-amino acid ligase activity                                                                                 
[55] regulation of glial cell proliferation                                                                          
[56] NLS-bearing protein import into nucleus                                                                         
[57] mitochondrial depolarization                                                                                    
[58] negative regulation of cellular component organization                                                          
[59] positive regulation of chromosome segregation                                                                   
78 Levels: acid-amino acid ligase activity ...
go_top_shared_genes <- getGenes(gsub(";", ",",
go_top_shared_genes <- go_top_shared_genes[!duplicated(go_top_shared_genes[ , "symbol"]), ]
kable(data.frame(symbol = go_top_shared_genes[ ,"symbol"],
                  name = go_top_shared_genes[,"name"]) )
symbol name
ND3 NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 3 (complex I)
CYTB cytochrome b
ND5 NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 5 (complex I)
ND4L NADH dehydrogenase, subunit 4L (complex I)
ATP8 ATP synthase F0 subunit 8
ATP6 ATP synthase F0 subunit 6
ATP1A2 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 2
DDIT4 DNA damage inducible transcript 4
PLK1 polo like kinase 1
AURKA aurora kinase A
CCNB1 cyclin B1
MT1X metallothionein 1X
MT2A metallothionein 2A
TSPO translocator protein
ATG7 autophagy related 7
HES1 hes family bHLH transcription factor 1
SGCB sarcoglycan beta
P3H4 prolyl 3-hydroxylase family member 4 (non-enzymatic)
ANXA3 annexin A3
ANXA2 annexin A2
TRERF1 transcriptional regulating factor 1
TOP2A topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha
STC1 stanniocalcin 1
LITAF lipopolysaccharide induced TNF factor
LRP8 LDL receptor related protein 8
GSS glutathione synthetase
ATF6B activating transcription factor 6 beta
HSPA5 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5
GCLM glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit
UBE2C ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C
CCDC124 coiled-coil domain containing 124
VIM vimentin
KPNA5 karyopherin subunit alpha 5
KPNA2 karyopherin subunit alpha 2
PMEPA1 prostate transmembrane protein, androgen induced 1
LGALS3 lectin, galactoside binding soluble 3
PFN1 profilin 1

Differential DMs

Compute median of absolute deviations (MAD) to quantify dissimilarity of the individual DM meausres.

dm_matrix <- as.matrix(
                data.frame(NA19098 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19098$log10cv2_adj,
                           NA19101 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19101$log10cv2_adj,
                           NA19239 = ENSG_cv_adj$NA19239$log10cv2_adj) )
mad <- rowMedians( abs( dm_matrix - rowMedians(dm_matrix) ) )

Top 100 ranked genes by MAD.

ConsensusPATHDB-Human was used to perform GO over-representation analysis.

Look up top 100 genes in MAD values

mad_genes <- rownames(molecules_final)[rank(mad) > 
                                             (length(mad) - 100) ]
#            file = "../data/mad-genes.txt",
#            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
#            col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
go_top <- read.table("figure/cv-adjusted-summary-pois.Rmd/",
                         sep = "\t",
                         header = TRUE)
go_top <- go_top[go_top$q.value < .1, ]
[1] "extracellular space"           "ErbB-2 class receptor binding"
# go_top_genes <- getGenes(gsub(";", ",",
#                     as.character(go_top$members_input_overlap_geneids)))
# go_top_genes <- go_top_genes[!duplicated(go_top_genes[ , "symbol"]), ]
# kable(data.frame(symbol =go_top_genes[ ,"symbol"],
#                  name = go_top_genes[,"name"]) )

Session information

R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
 [1] stats4    parallel  grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils    
 [8] datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] gplots_2.17.0          mygene_1.2.3           GenomicFeatures_1.20.1
 [4] AnnotationDbi_1.30.1   Biobase_2.28.0         GenomicRanges_1.20.5  
 [7] GenomeInfoDb_1.4.0     IRanges_2.2.4          S4Vectors_0.6.0       
[10] BiocGenerics_0.14.0    matrixStats_0.14.0     MASS_7.3-40           
[13] cowplot_0.3.1          Humanzee_0.1.0         ggplot2_1.0.1         
[16] edgeR_3.10.2           limma_3.24.9           dplyr_0.4.2           
[19] data.table_1.9.4       knitr_1.10.5          

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] httr_0.6.1              jsonlite_0.9.16        
 [3] splines_3.2.0           gsubfn_0.6-6           
 [5] gtools_3.5.0            Formula_1.2-1          
 [7] assertthat_0.1          highr_0.5              
 [9] latticeExtra_0.6-26     Rsamtools_1.20.4       
[11] yaml_2.1.13             RSQLite_1.0.0          
[13] lattice_0.20-31         chron_2.3-45           
[15] digest_0.6.8            RColorBrewer_1.1-2     
[17] XVector_0.8.0           colorspace_1.2-6       
[19] htmltools_0.2.6         plyr_1.8.3             
[21] XML_3.98-1.2            biomaRt_2.24.0         
[23] zlibbioc_1.14.0         scales_0.4.0           
[25] gdata_2.16.1            BiocParallel_1.2.2     
[27] sqldf_0.4-10            nnet_7.3-9             
[29] proto_0.3-10            survival_2.38-1        
[31] magrittr_1.5            evaluate_0.7           
[33] foreign_0.8-63          tools_3.2.0            
[35] formatR_1.2             stringr_1.0.0          
[37] munsell_0.4.3           cluster_2.0.1          
[39] lambda.r_1.1.7          Biostrings_2.36.1      
[41] caTools_1.17.1          futile.logger_1.4.1    
[43] RCurl_1.95-4.6          bitops_1.0-6           
[45] labeling_0.3            rmarkdown_0.6.1        
[47] gtable_0.1.2            DBI_0.3.1              
[49] reshape2_1.4.1          R6_2.1.1               
[51] GenomicAlignments_1.4.1 gridExtra_2.0.0        
[53] rtracklayer_1.28.4      Hmisc_3.16-0           
[55] futile.options_1.0.0    KernSmooth_2.23-14     
[57] stringi_1.0-1           Rcpp_0.12.4            
[59] rpart_4.1-9             acepack_1.3-3.3