Lesson Material

This material originated with a grassroots group at the University of Wisconsin - Madison called The Hacker Within and has been modified by Software Carpentry instructors at the University of Chicago over multiple bootcamps.

Day 1

The Unix Shell
Please open a terminal and follow along on the tutorial page.
Python variables
Please run Canopy and open the files 2013-09-19-chicago/lessons/thw-python/vars-types/variables.ipynb and 2013-09-19-chicago/lessons/thw-python/vars-types/exercises.ipynb. Also, please follow along on the tutorial page.
Python data structures
Please run Canopy and open the files 2013-09-19-chicago/lessons/thw-python/data-structures/data-structures.ipynb. Also, please follow along on the tutorial page.
Python flow control
Please run Canopy and open the file 2013-09-19-chicago/lessons/thw-python/flow-control/python_flow_control.ipynb.

Day 2

Python functions and modules
Please run Canopy and open the file 2013-09-19-chicago/lessons/thw-python/functions-modules/python_functions_and_modules.ipynb.
Data processing example with the shell and Python
Please open a terminal and follow along on the tutorial page tutorial page.
Introduction to R
Please run RStudio and open the file 2013-09-19-chicago/lessons/uchicago-r/intro_exploring_human_genome.Rmd. Also, you can view the html version of the lesson and the R cheat sheet for reference.