Last updated: 2018-03-06

Code version: 3d2e2a8



  1. There are more reads mapped to EGFP than to mCherry. The transgene sequence from 5’ to 3’ end: EGFP -> IRES (Internal Ribosomal Entry Site) -> mCherry -> Promoter region. The sequence is transcribed as one long transcript from 5’ to 3’ mCherry, IRES, EGFP. The IRES allows the translation to continue after mCherry onto EGFP. The STRT-seq protocol that we use is prone to high coverage bias toward 3’end of the mRNA transcript, which could be a possible explanation for the high coverage of EGFP in our data.

  2. To determine if the transgene is silenced, we consider the number of molecules mapped to EGFP or mCherry. If there’s no molecules mapped to either translation region, we consider that there’s random silencing going on for the cell.


  1. Transgene molecule count is not a quality proxy for random silencing of the transgene.

  2. Transgene molecule count is not correlated with intensity measures.




Import sequencing data.

# fname <- Sys.glob("../data/eset/*.rds")
# eset <- Reduce(combine, Map(readRDS, fname))
# pdata <- pData(eset)
# pdata$unique <- paste(pdata$image_individual, sprintf("%05d", pdata$image_label), sep="_")

df <- readRDS(file="../data/eset-filtered.rds")
pdata <- pData(df)
fdata <- fData(df)

# import corrected intensities
pdata.adj <- readRDS("../output/images-normalize-anova.Rmd/pdata.adj.rds")


Transgene count

Results: there are more reads mapped to EGFP than to mCherry. The FUCCI transcript statring from 5’ end: mCherry -> IRES -> EGFP. We decided to use EGFP count to determine whether the transgene is silenced in the cell.

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1.00   15.00   21.00   21.59   27.00   61.00 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.0000  0.0000  1.0000  0.9515  1.0000  6.0000 


By individual

By C1 plate

By individual and C1 plate


By individual

By C1 plate

By individual and C1 plate

Correlation with intensities

     xlab = "EFGP (green)", ylab = "mCherry (Red)", 
     main = "Transgene molecule count",
     pch = 16, cex = .7)
     xlab = "EFGP (green)", ylab = "Green intensity", 
     main = "Green intensity vs. molecule count",
     pch = 16, cex = .7)
     xlab = "mCherry (red)", ylab = "Red intensity", 
     main = "Red intensity vs. molecule count",
     pch = 16, cex = .7)

Correlation between total transgene CPM and intensities

pdata.adj$ <- with(pdata.adj, mol_egfp + mol_mcherry)
pdata.adj$trans.cpm <- with(pdata.adj, (10^6)*(mol_egfp + mol_mcherry)/molecules)

     xlab = "transgene molecule CPM", 
     ylab = "mCherry protein intensity", 
     pch = 16, cex = .7)
     xlab = "transgene molecule CPM", 
     ylab = "EGFP protein intensity", 
     pch = 16, cex = .7)
title(main = "transgene molecule CPM vs. intensities",
      outer = TRUE, line = -1)

Correct for intensity using molecule count

# for every individual, 
# fit linear model to estimate the relationships between 
# intensity and trans cpm
fit.lm.rfp <- vector("list", 6)
fit.lm.gfp <- vector("list", 6)
for (i in 1:length(unique(pdata.adj$chip_id))) {
  fit.lm.rfp[[i]] <- lm(rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm,
                     data = subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))
  fit.lm.gfp[[i]] <- lm(gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm,
                     data = subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))
names(fit.lm.rfp) <- unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)
names(fit.lm.gfp) <- unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)

lapply(fit.lm.rfp, summary)

lm(formula = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.92291 -0.35750 -0.06486  0.40221  0.95240 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept) -0.255966   0.080054  -3.197  0.00159 **
trans.cpm    0.001055   0.000323   3.266  0.00127 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4474 on 217 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.04686,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.04246 
F-statistic: 10.67 on 1 and 217 DF,  p-value: 0.001267


lm(formula = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.36842 -0.53977  0.06919  0.49119  1.01702 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept) -0.1555910  0.1012878  -1.536  0.12620   
trans.cpm    0.0009094  0.0003128   2.908  0.00408 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.5604 on 187 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.04325,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.03814 
F-statistic: 8.454 on 1 and 187 DF,  p-value: 0.004083


lm(formula = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.18984 -0.41480 -0.00322  0.42795  0.91309 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  3.890e-02  1.087e-01   0.358    0.721
trans.cpm   -9.364e-06  3.689e-04  -0.025    0.980

Residual standard error: 0.4682 on 190 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  3.391e-06, Adjusted R-squared:  -0.00526 
F-statistic: 0.0006443 on 1 and 190 DF,  p-value: 0.9798


lm(formula = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.2913 -0.3916 -0.0805  0.4031  0.8655 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -0.4267434  0.1068176  -3.995 0.000105 ***
trans.cpm    0.0017052  0.0004247   4.016 9.72e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4635 on 137 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1053,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.09877 
F-statistic: 16.12 on 1 and 137 DF,  p-value: 9.725e-05


lm(formula = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.14508 -0.36270  0.02733  0.39279  0.87531 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.0181694  0.1204561  -0.151    0.880
trans.cpm    0.0002087  0.0004517   0.462    0.645

Residual standard error: 0.4692 on 121 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.001761,  Adjusted R-squared:  -0.006489 
F-statistic: 0.2135 on 1 and 121 DF,  p-value: 0.6449


lm(formula = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.0213 -0.3603 -0.1528  0.4466  0.9304 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept) -0.2348880  0.1166750  -2.013   0.0462 *
trans.cpm    0.0003227  0.0004234   0.762   0.4474  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4471 on 126 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.004589,  Adjusted R-squared:  -0.003311 
F-statistic: 0.5808 on 1 and 126 DF,  p-value: 0.4474
lapply(fit.lm.gfp, summary)

lm(formula = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.48508 -0.17892  0.09447  0.27745  0.68322 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept) -0.2168362  0.0706188  -3.071  0.00241 **
trans.cpm    0.0008215  0.0002850   2.883  0.00434 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.3947 on 217 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.03689,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.03245 
F-statistic: 8.311 on 1 and 217 DF,  p-value: 0.004337


lm(formula = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.39892 -0.20037  0.07236  0.23216  0.51401 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -0.3123620  0.0558086  -5.597 7.67e-08 ***
trans.cpm    0.0010620  0.0001723   6.163 4.29e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.3088 on 187 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1688,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.1644 
F-statistic: 37.98 on 1 and 187 DF,  p-value: 4.294e-09


lm(formula = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.88118 -0.21138  0.05968  0.21279  0.43163 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept) -0.0403975  0.0633459  -0.638   0.5244  
trans.cpm    0.0003754  0.0002151   1.746   0.0825 .
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.2729 on 190 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.01579,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.01061 
F-statistic: 3.047 on 1 and 190 DF,  p-value: 0.08248


lm(formula = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.53223 -0.12704  0.03419  0.16328  0.58593 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -0.1346658  0.0608572  -2.213 0.028566 *  
trans.cpm    0.0008695  0.0002419   3.594 0.000453 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.2641 on 137 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.08616,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.07949 
F-statistic: 12.92 on 1 and 137 DF,  p-value: 0.0004531


lm(formula = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.37809 -0.14787  0.09562  0.28149  0.57855 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.0877763  0.1039427  -0.844    0.400
trans.cpm    0.0001734  0.0003898   0.445    0.657

Residual standard error: 0.4049 on 121 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.001634,  Adjusted R-squared:  -0.006617 
F-statistic: 0.198 on 1 and 121 DF,  p-value: 0.6571


lm(formula = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash ~ trans.cpm, data = subset(pdata.adj, 
    chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]))

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.4163 -0.1716  0.0205  0.2454  0.5224 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept) -0.1693333  0.0810211  -2.090   0.0386 *
trans.cpm    0.0005946  0.0002940   2.022   0.0452 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.3104 on 126 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.03144,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.02376 
F-statistic:  4.09 on 1 and 126 DF,  p-value: 0.04525
pdata.adj$rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid <- pdata.adj$rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash
pdata.adj$gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid <- pdata.adj$gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash
for (i in 1:6) {
  which_id <- pdata.adj$chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]
  pdata.adj$rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid[which_id] <- fit.lm.rfp[[i]]$residuals
  pdata.adj$gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid[which_id] <- fit.lm.gfp[[i]]$residuals

ggplot(pdata.adj, aes(x = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid,
                      y = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid,
                      group = factor(chip_id))) +
  ylim(-1.5, 1.5) + xlim(-1.5, 1.5) +
  geom_point(cex=.8) + facet_wrap(~chip_id, nrow=2) +
  xlab("GFP") + ylab("RFP") + ggtitle("Intensities adjusted for batch"),
ggplot(pdata.adj, aes(x = gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash,
                      y = rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash,
                      group = factor(chip_id))) +
  ylim(-1.5, 1.5) + xlim(-1.5, 1.5) +
  geom_point(cex=.8) + facet_wrap(~chip_id, nrow=2) +
  xlab("GFP") + ylab("RFP") + ggtitle("Residuals of intensity adj for batch")

Cell cycle staging

Fitting circle using intensity before/after transgene molecule correction.



pdata.adj$rfp.z <- with(pdata.adj, scale(rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash))
pdata.adj$gfp.z <- with(pdata.adj, scale(gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash))
pdata.adj$rfp.resid.z <- with(pdata.adj, scale(rfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid))
pdata.adj$gfp.resid.z <- with(pdata.adj, scale(gfp.median.log10sum.adjust.ash.resid))

fit <- lapply(1:6, function(i) {, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]),
                  as.matrix(cbind(gfp.z, rfp.z))), 
names(fit) <- unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)

fit.resid <- lapply(1:6, function(i) {, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]),
                  as.matrix(cbind(gfp.resid.z, rfp.resid.z))), 
names(fit.resid) <- unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)

# compute residuals of the fit <- lapply(1:6, function(i) {
  df_sub <- with(subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]),
                  as.matrix(cbind(gfp.z, rfp.z)))
  resids <- scale(df_sub - fit[[i]])
  resids_ssq <- rowSums(resids^2)
names( <- unique(pdata.adj$chip_id) <- lapply(1:6, function(i) {
  df_sub <- with(subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i]),
                  as.matrix(cbind(gfp.resid.z, rfp.resid.z)))
  resids <- scale(df_sub - fit.resid[[i]])
  resids_ssq <- rowSums(resids^2)
names( <- unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)

# print ssq for each individual
for (i in 1:6) {
  cat (names([i], ":", "\n",
      "Before correction", sum([[i]]) ,";", 
      "After correction", sum([[i]]), "\n")
NA18870 : 
 Before correction 436 ; After correction 436 
NA18855 : 
 Before correction 376 ; After correction 376 
NA19098 : 
 Before correction 382 ; After correction 382 
NA19101 : 
 Before correction 276 ; After correction 276 
NA19160 : 
 Before correction 244 ; After correction 244 
NA18511 : 
 Before correction 254 ; After correction 254 

No difference between sum of squares of standardized residuals (within intensities).

# compare rankings
for (i in 1:6) {
hist(as.numeric(coord2rad(fit[[i]])), nclass = 40,
     xlab = "Radians", main = "Before correction")
hist(as.numeric(coord2rad(fit.resid[[i]])), nclass = 40,
     xlab = "Radians", main = "After correction")
title(main  = names(fit)[i], outer = TRUE, line = -1)

DAPI and projected positions

pdata.adj$dapi.z <- scale(pdata.adj$dapi.median.log10sum.adjust.ash)

for (i in 1:6) {
df_sub <- subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i])
     xlab = "Radians", ylab = "DAPI", main = "Projected positions")
hist(as.numeric(coord2rad(fit[[i]])), nclass = 40,
     xlab = "Radians", main = "Projected positions")
hist(df_sub$dapi.z, nclass=40,
     xlab = "DAPI", main = "DAPI intensities")
title(main  = names(fit)[i], outer = TRUE, line = -1)

Spherical regression of projected position ~ various covariates. The analysis is performed for each individual separately.

Individual NA19160

# regression 

df.sub <- subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i])
Theta <- coord2rad(fit[[i]])

# test that gfp and rfp should be significant
# gfp is with cosine and rfp with sin
X1 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.1 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X1, rads = TRUE, seb=T, xnew=X1)
pvals.1 <- 2*pnorm(reg.1$beta/reg.1$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 2.363156e-03 2.919433e-03
X1          1.222213e-20 2.000000e+00
X2          1.999822e+00 3.113217e-29
# trans.cpm not associated with X2
X2 <- df.sub$trans.cpm
reg.2 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X2, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.2 <- 2*pnorm(reg.2$beta/reg.2$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept)    1.1516225  0.4535661
x              0.4206322  0.7577753
# dapi predicts cosine of Y
X3 <- df.sub$dapi.z
reg.3 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X3, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.3 <- 2*pnorm(reg.3$beta/reg.3$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y  Sinus of y
(Intercept) 8.069505e-01 0.002472485
x           3.649540e-08 1.804836842
# dapi not significant after adding with green and red
X4 <- cbind(df.sub$dapi.z, df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.4 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X4, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.4 <- 2*pnorm(reg.4$beta/reg.4$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept)       0.0022     0.0006
X1                1.4507     1.8992
X2                0.0000     1.9668
X3                1.9998     0.0000
# not significant change in likelihood
# from model with red and gree to model added dapi
pchisq(-2*(reg.4$loglik-reg.1$loglik), df = 1, lower.tail = F)
[1] 1
# for fun add plate effect
X5 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z, factor(df.sub$experiment))
reg.5 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X5, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.5 <- 2*pnorm(reg.5$beta/reg.5$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 7.463137e-02 6.091505e-01
X1          4.558393e-20 1.999993e+00
X2          1.999846e+00 2.612198e-29
X3          1.397852e+00 4.517294e-01

Individual NA18511

# regression 
df.sub <- subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i])
Theta <- coord2rad(fit[[i]])

# test that gfp and rfp should be significant
# gfp is with cosine and rfp with sin
X1 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.1 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X1, rads = TRUE, seb=T, xnew=X1)
pvals.1 <- 2*pnorm(reg.1$beta/reg.1$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 1.845817e-02 1.461142e+00
X1          1.903722e-21 1.997432e+00
X2          1.703760e+00 5.289665e-27
# trans.cpm not associated with X2
X2 <- df.sub$trans.cpm
reg.2 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X2, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.2 <- 2*pnorm(reg.2$beta/reg.2$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept)    1.4884809  1.9282565
x              0.2230738  0.4092204
# dapi predicts cosine of Y
X3 <- df.sub$dapi.z
reg.3 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X3, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.3 <- 2*pnorm(reg.3$beta/reg.3$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept) 1.078747e+00   1.955298
x           1.483168e-07   1.998793
# dapi not significant after adding with green and red
X4 <- cbind(df.sub$dapi.z, df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.4 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X4, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.4 <- 2*pnorm(reg.4$beta/reg.4$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 7.633190e-02 1.467407e+00
X1          1.148467e-01 8.688529e-01
X2          3.339937e-18 1.992360e+00
X3          1.656026e+00 1.458639e-26
# not significant change in likelihood
# from model with red and gree to model added dapi
pchisq(-2*(reg.4$loglik-reg.1$loglik), df = 1, lower.tail = F)
[1] 1
# for fun add plate effect
X5 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z, factor(df.sub$experiment))
reg.5 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X5, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.5 <- 2*pnorm(reg.5$beta/reg.5$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 5.850919e-01 9.133660e-01
X1          3.981070e-21 1.995845e+00
X2          1.729278e+00 9.846926e-27
X3          6.475661e-01 1.289447e+00

Individual NA19101

# regression 
df.sub <- subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i])
Theta <- coord2rad(fit[[i]])

# test that gfp and rfp should be significant
# gfp is with cosine and rfp with sin
X1 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.1 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X1, rads = TRUE, seb=T, xnew=X1)
pvals.1 <- 2*pnorm(reg.1$beta/reg.1$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 5.095599e-01 6.618851e-05
X1          5.718229e-20 1.998677e+00
X2          1.999429e+00 5.448577e-35
# trans.cpm not associated with X2
X2 <- df.sub$trans.cpm
reg.2 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X2, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.2 <- 2*pnorm(reg.2$beta/reg.2$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept)  1.897557337 1.98734108
x            0.007440962 0.00151035
# dapi predicts cosine of Y
X3 <- df.sub$dapi.z
reg.3 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X3, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.3 <- 2*pnorm(reg.3$beta/reg.3$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept)  0.003068672  0.3399501
x            0.000900217  1.9997993
# dapi not significant after adding with green and red
X4 <- cbind(df.sub$dapi.z, df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.4 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X4, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.4 <- 2*pnorm(reg.4$beta/reg.4$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 9.622168e-01 9.563637e-05
X1          1.951675e+00 9.942417e-01
X2          1.058589e-18 1.993199e+00
X3          1.999872e+00 1.145952e-32
# not significant change in likelihood
# from model with red and gree to model added dapi
pchisq(-2*(reg.4$loglik-reg.1$loglik), df = 1, lower.tail = F)
[1] 1
# for fun add plate effect
X5 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z, factor(df.sub$experiment))
reg.5 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X5, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.5 <- 2*pnorm(reg.5$beta/reg.5$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 6.248225e-02 1.560885e+00
X1          1.592644e-20 1.999476e+00
X2          1.999887e+00 1.240701e-35
X3          1.916229e+00 4.890627e-03

Individual NA19098

# regression 
df.sub <- subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i])
Theta <- coord2rad(fit[[i]])

# test that gfp and rfp should be significant
# gfp is with cosine and rfp with sin
X1 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.1 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X1, rads = TRUE, seb=T, xnew=X1)
pvals.1 <- 2*pnorm(reg.1$beta/reg.1$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 1.494647e-01 9.550671e-01
X1          1.020079e-29 1.995040e+00
X2          1.999736e+00 2.454453e-35
# trans.cpm not associated with X2
X2 <- df.sub$trans.cpm
reg.2 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X2, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.2 <- 2*pnorm(reg.2$beta/reg.2$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept)    1.0123596  0.3661476
x              0.4424747  1.4710225
# dapi predicts cosine of Y
X3 <- df.sub$dapi.z
reg.3 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X3, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.3 <- 2*pnorm(reg.3$beta/reg.3$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept) 1.613092e-01  0.2589147
x           3.675530e-11  1.9982404
# dapi not significant after adding with green and red
X4 <- cbind(df.sub$dapi.z, df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.4 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X4, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.4 <- 2*pnorm(reg.4$beta/reg.4$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 2.044454e-01 1.131758e+00
X1          1.125449e-01 4.476571e-01
X2          3.542733e-19 1.994014e+00
X3          1.999111e+00 1.931276e-35
# not significant change in likelihood
# from model with red and gree to model added dapi
pchisq(-2*(reg.4$loglik-reg.1$loglik), df = 1, lower.tail = F)
[1] 1
X5 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z, factor(df.sub$experiment))
reg.5 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X5, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.5 <- 2*pnorm(reg.5$beta/reg.5$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 1.349554e+00 6.330838e-01
X1          1.729854e-29 1.994572e+00
X2          1.999798e+00 1.697695e-35
X3          2.076393e-01 1.429079e+00

Individual NA18855

# regression 
df.sub <- subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i])
Theta <- coord2rad(fit[[i]])

# test that gfp and rfp should be significant
# gfp is with cosine and rfp with sin
X1 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.1 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X1, rads = TRUE, seb=T, xnew=X1)
pvals.1 <- 2*pnorm(reg.1$beta/reg.1$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 5.555709e-03 9.927819e-01
X1          2.532944e-40 1.978339e+00
X2          1.998883e+00 7.953984e-57
# trans.cpm not associated with X2
X2 <- df.sub$trans.cpm
reg.2 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X2, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.2 <- 2*pnorm(reg.2$beta/reg.2$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept) 1.998734e+00 1.50954617
x           6.269682e-05 0.08979253
# dapi predicts cosine of Y
X3 <- df.sub$dapi.z
reg.3 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X3, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.3 <- 2*pnorm(reg.3$beta/reg.3$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept) 2.574973e-04  0.6120537
x           1.007973e-10  1.9999919
# dapi not significant after adding with green and red
X4 <- cbind(df.sub$dapi.z, df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.4 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X4, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.4 <- 2*pnorm(reg.4$beta/reg.4$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 4.067322e-03 5.121461e-01
X1          4.089407e-01 9.198341e-02
X2          2.242355e-28 1.995192e+00
X3          1.988001e+00 2.048712e-52
# not significant change in likelihood
# from model with red and gree to model added dapi
pchisq(-2*(reg.4$loglik-reg.1$loglik), df = 1, lower.tail = F)
[1] 1
X5 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z, factor(df.sub$experiment))
reg.5 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X5, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.5 <- 2*pnorm(reg.5$beta/reg.5$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 1.513678e+00 1.907081e+00
X1          1.120502e-40 1.987366e+00
X2          1.998330e+00 6.455649e-57
X3          3.538625e-02 7.733443e-02

Individual NA18870

# regression 
df.sub <- subset(pdata.adj, chip_id == unique(pdata.adj$chip_id)[i])
Theta <- coord2rad(fit[[i]])

# test that gfp and rfp should be significant
# gfp is with cosine and rfp with sin
X1 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.1 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X1, rads = TRUE, seb=T, xnew=X1)
pvals.1 <- 2*pnorm(reg.1$beta/reg.1$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 6.893222e-03 7.321168e-05
X1          4.562333e-38 1.975835e+00
X2          1.996044e+00 1.866676e-49
# trans.cpm not associated with X2
X2 <- df.sub$trans.cpm
reg.2 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X2, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.2 <- 2*pnorm(reg.2$beta/reg.2$seb, lower.tail = F)
pchisq(-2*reg.2$loglik, df = dim(reg.2$beta)[1]*dim(reg.2$beta)[2], lower.tail = F)
[1] 3.389118e-170
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept)    1.4940583 1.75178474
x              0.2433061 0.03080638
# dapi predicts cosine of Y
X3 <- df.sub$dapi.z
reg.3 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X3, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.3 <- 2*pnorm(reg.3$beta/reg.3$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y Sinus of y
(Intercept) 3.818771e-01  0.0589736
x           2.890770e-12  1.9969899
# dapi not significant after adding with green and red
X4 <- cbind(df.sub$dapi.z, df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z)
reg.4 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X4, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.4 <- 2*pnorm(reg.4$beta/reg.4$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 7.348507e-03 9.637513e-05
X1          1.325202e+00 1.998109e+00
X2          3.989434e-29 6.039605e-01
X3          1.996491e+00 2.272595e-48
# not significant change in likelihood
# from model with red and gree to model added dapi
pchisq(-2*(reg.4$loglik-reg.1$loglik), df = 1, lower.tail = F)
[1] 1
X5 <- cbind(df.sub$gfp.z, df.sub$rfp.z, factor(df.sub$experiment))
reg.5 <- Directional::spml.reg(Theta, X5, rads = TRUE, seb=T)
pvals.5 <- 2*pnorm(reg.5$beta/reg.5$seb, lower.tail = F)
            Cosinus of y   Sinus of y
(Intercept) 8.092906e-01 5.086831e-01
X1          3.313691e-38 1.943389e+00
X2          1.994187e+00 3.203394e-48
X3          2.991958e-01 2.187579e-01

Session information

R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.2 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
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 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] Rfast_1.8.6         RcppZiggurat_0.1.4  Rcpp_0.12.15       
 [4] circular_0.4-93     conicfit_1.0.4      geigen_2.1         
 [7] pracma_2.1.4        matrixStats_0.53.1  Directional_3.0    
[10] Biobase_2.38.0      BiocGenerics_0.24.0 RColorBrewer_1.1-2 
[13] wesanderson_0.3.4   cowplot_0.9.2       dplyr_0.7.4        
[16] data.table_1.10.4-3 cellcycleR_0.1.6    zoo_1.8-1          
[19] binhf_1.0-1         adlift_1.3-3        EbayesThresh_1.4-12
[22] wavethresh_4.6.8    MASS_7.3-47         ggplot2_2.2.1      

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] reshape2_1.4.3    lattice_0.20-35   colorspace_1.3-2 
 [4] htmltools_0.3.6   yaml_2.1.16       rlang_0.2.0      
 [7] pillar_1.1.0      glue_1.2.0        bindrcpp_0.2     
[10] foreach_1.4.4     bindr_0.1         plyr_1.8.4       
[13] stringr_1.3.0     munsell_0.4.3     gtable_0.2.0     
[16] mvtnorm_1.0-7     codetools_0.2-15  evaluate_0.10.1  
[19] labeling_0.3      knitr_1.20        doParallel_1.0.11
[22] scales_0.5.0      backports_1.1.2   digest_0.6.15    
[25] stringi_1.1.6     grid_3.4.1        rprojroot_1.3-2  
[28] tools_3.4.1       magrittr_1.5      lazyeval_0.2.1   
[31] tibble_1.4.2      pkgconfig_2.0.1   assertthat_0.2.0 
[34] rmarkdown_1.8     iterators_1.0.9   boot_1.3-19      
[37] R6_2.2.2          git2r_0.21.0      compiler_3.4.1   

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