Last updated: 2018-03-01

Code version: 6b16d24


library("Biobase") # has to be loaded last to use `combine`

Import data.

eset <- readRDS("../data/eset.rds")
Features  Samples 
   54792     6432 

Keep only ERCC

eset <- eset[fData(eset)$source == "ERCC", ]
Features  Samples 
      92     6432 

Only keep high-quality single cells.

quality <- read.table("../data/quality-single-cells.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(quality) <- c("sample", "quality")
eset <- eset[, quality$quality]
Features  Samples 
      92     4995 

Remove zeros.

eset <- eset[rowSums(exprs(eset)) != 0, ]
Features  Samples 
      92     4995 

correct for collision probability.

eset_data <- exprs(eset)
eset_data_cr <-^6*log(1-eset_data/4^6))
[1]   92 4995

Expected molecule number of each ERCC gene

## input ERCC information
## from
ercc <- read.table("../data/ercc-info.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(ercc) <- c("num", "id", "subgroup", "conc_mix1", "conc_mix2",
                    "expected_fc", "log2_mix1_mix2")
  num         id subgroup conc_mix1  conc_mix2 expected_fc log2_mix1_mix2
1   1 ERCC-00130        A 30000.000 7500.00000           4              2
2   2 ERCC-00004        A  7500.000 1875.00000           4              2
3   3 ERCC-00136        A  1875.000  468.75000           4              2
4   4 ERCC-00108        A   937.500  234.37500           4              2
5   5 ERCC-00116        A   468.750  117.18750           4              2
6   6 ERCC-00092        A   234.375   58.59375           4              2
stopifnot(nrow(ercc) == 92)

## concentration of each ERCC was provided in attomoles per uL
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
    0.014     0.801     7.324  1125.163   117.188 30000.000 
## mix 1 was diluted 1:2500 before adding to lysis buffer
ercc_conc_diluted <- ercc$conc_mix1 / 2500

## 1 ul was added to make 20 ul lysis buffer
ercc_conc_lysis <- ercc_conc_diluted / 20

## molecule number in the 20 ul lysis buffer
ercc_molecules_lysis <- ercc_conc_lysis *
                        20 * # Number of uL of lysis buffer
                        1/10^18 * # Number of attomoles in a mole
                        6.02214179e23 # Number of molecules in a mole

## 9 nl of lysis buffer in each cell capture well
## note: the molecule number is the same as the ones from the table provided by fluidigm
ercc_molecules_well <- ercc_molecules_lysis * 9e-3 / 20
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
   0.002    0.087    0.794  121.966   12.703 3251.957 
[1] 11220.88
sum(ercc_molecules_well >= 1)
[1] 45
## output the expect number per well
write.table(data.frame(id = ercc$id, conc_mix1 = ercc$conc_mix1, ercc_molecules_well),
            "../data/expected-ercc-molecules.txt", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE)

ERCC capture efficiency

Using the code from previous analysis

## import expected ercc molecule number
ercc <- read.table("../data/expected-ercc-molecules.txt", header = TRUE,
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          id conc_mix1 ercc_molecules_well
1 ERCC-00130 30000.000          3251.95657
2 ERCC-00004  7500.000           812.98914
3 ERCC-00136  1875.000           203.24729
4 ERCC-00108   937.500           101.62364
5 ERCC-00116   468.750            50.81182
6 ERCC-00092   234.375            25.40591
## calculate efficiency using expected molecule more than 0.5
ercc_list <- list()
for (spike in ercc$id[ercc$ercc_molecules_well >= 0.5]) {
  if (spike %in% rownames(eset_data)) {
    ercc_list$id <- c(ercc_list$id, spike)
    ercc_list$observed_mean <- c(ercc_list$observed_mean,
                                 mean(as.numeric(eset_data[spike, ])))
    ercc_list$observed_sem <- c(ercc_list$observed_sem,
                                 sd(as.numeric(eset_data[spike, ])) /
    ercc_list$expected <- c(ercc_list$expected,
                            ercc$ercc_molecules_well[ercc$id == spike])
ercc_plot <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
'data.frame':   50 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ id           : chr  "ERCC-00130" "ERCC-00004" "ERCC-00136" "ERCC-00108" ...
 $ observed_mean: num  760.95 353.95 84.35 43.98 7.94 ...
 $ observed_sem : num  5.8358 2.4784 0.6528 0.3748 0.0852 ...
 $ expected     : num  3252 813 203.2 101.6 50.8 ...
cor(ercc_plot$observed_mean, ercc_plot$expected)
[1] 0.946599
p_efficiency <- ggplot(ercc_plot, aes(x = expected, y = observed_mean, label = id)) +
  geom_point(col = "red") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = observed_mean - observed_sem,
                    ymax = observed_mean + observed_sem), width = 0) +
  labs(x = "Expected ERCC molecules",
       y = "Observed ERCC molecules\n(mean +/- SEM)",
       title = "ERCC capture efficiency")

p_efficiency_plot <- p_efficiency + 
  scale_x_log10() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, alpha = 0.5, col = "red") +
  geom_abline(intercept = - 0.50, alpha = 0.5) + 
  geom_abline(intercept = - 0.99, alpha = 0.5, col ="blue") +
  labs(x = "Expected ERCC molecules",
       y = "Observed ERCC molecules\n(mean +/- SEM)",
       title = "ERCC capture efficiency") 


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